Cornwall Residential Property Values Have Increased on Average By 1.8 Per Cent per Year Since 2012 MPAC’S assessments reflect local real estate markets across the province   CORNWALL, Ontario – The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) began mailing Property Assessment Notices today in Cornwall, where assessed values of residential property valuesContinue Reading

DRUG WARRANT Cornwall, ON – Cody Beauchamp, 23 and Michaela Leger, 21 both of Cornwall were arrested and charged as follows: Cody Beauchamp Possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine Possession of cocaine Possession for the purpose of trafficking methamphetamine Possession of methamphetamine Property obtained by Crime (cash) Possession ofContinue Reading

Cornwall is one of the oddest communities I’ve ever lived in and I’ve lived in a few.     The political corruption fingers through everything from City Hall, to charities, and even our SD&G Highlanders apparently. First you have former MPP Jim Brownell named as Honourary Lt. Colonel.    ThatContinue Reading

75,297 Unique Visitors 173,159 (2.29 visits/visitor) 1,375,977 (7.94 Pages/Visit) (CFN monthly traffic for March 2016 ) Can you imagine if your organization, business, or service had that exposure? Are you paying ridiculous amounts of money on the region for far less results? I bet you are. There is only one media sourceContinue Reading

As council fiddles and sells the community’s future with its shady Harbor Front deal with the Feds and Akwesasne Metro has announced that it will be shutting its doors in a few months.  About 75 people will lose their jobs, about a third of those full time employment where it’sContinue Reading