The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals were given to 14 very deserving individuals on July 19th, 2012. I found the program for the evening recently. Awarded were Gerry Benson, Vera Joyce, Gail Kaneb, Hugh A. MacDougall, Don Mitchell, Susan Rainey, Onagh Ross, William Shearing, Gary Stokes, Lorne Strader, StanContinue Reading

Black and white TV and rabbit ears!! Those were the days of great comedy , westerns and other shows , all suitable for family viewing. None of the shows had any vulgarity so all the family could spread the rabbit ears as far as they would go and watch ourContinue Reading

The Optimist Creed is very inspiring. I happened to come across a copy of it recently in some papers. We are fortunate in Cornwall to have a local Optimist Club which was chartered in 1948. According to their web site, the late Norm Ross was the chapter President. There wereContinue Reading

We lost the Brookdale Mall some years ago. I loved the Miss Cornwall Restaurant and it was also handy to have a movie theatre in the same mall. Recently we lost the Eastcourt Mall which was another nice mall but, like the Brookdale Mall area, there are still lots ofContinue Reading

One Christmas several years ago, I received a gift of a beautiful Royal Doulton China rose. A little card with this lovely poem was with it: The Legend of the Christmas Rose: Long ago, to Bethlehem, came Kings from far-off lands- Bearing gifts of jewels and gold and myrrh inContinue Reading

Petula Clark’s song, “Downtown”reminds me sometimes of growing up post war in Cornwall. That line,”Everything’s waiting for you”, says it all. Pitt and Second Streets were sort of our hub’ in center town. We had it all. There were so many stores that seemed to have everything we needed orContinue Reading

Our Jewish friends will be celebrating Hanukkah for eight days from the evening of Dec 3 rd. to December 10th. Hanukkah or Chanukah is the Jewish wintertime “Festival of Lights”. It is celebrated with nightly lightings of the menorah, with special prayers , blessings and fried food such as theContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – Our Canadian doctor Lt. Col John McCrae could not have known that his poem “In Flanders’s Field” written in 1915 would become such a famous loved poem for the whole world. The Annual Poppy Campaign of the Royal Canadian Legion raises money for our Veterans andContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – Homemade popcorn, candies, cookies sometimes in little paper bags or wrapped in paper napkins tied at the top were big treats for us as kids on Halloween. We got little bags of potato chips and even the odd nickel. Many moons ago now we carried pillowcasesContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – It is always wonderful to see our young people out in the community volunteering to help support their organizations. On the Thanksgiving Saturday, the Army Cadets were ‘tagging ‘ us. Two very charming young girls were located at Giant Tiger, one in uniform. They were both veryContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – There is a little coin container on the counter at the Burger King Restaurant on Second Street East to collect some money to help with the funding of scholarships and bursaries for financial aid for students at St. Lawrence College. Every bit of change helps. According to theContinue Reading

  A very special senior celebrated her 95th. Birthday on Sept. 3rd. Happy Birthday to Ethel Bingley. Ethel is a wonderful lady and one that everyone who knows her likes and admires. Happy Happy Birthday Ethel. . This Procedure Book has been in my trunk for many years. It wasContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – The last Vitae Lampada, the yearbook of the Hotel Dieu Hospital School of Nursing, was in 1969, the year the school closed. Luckily I was able to borrow a copy and also a Graduation Exercises program from Terri Hooker, Class of ’69. In the yearbook areContinue Reading