CFN – As we pass the three month mark of the Cornwall Ontario Community Hospital Bilingual Nurse protest Chris Cameron and his team dropped off their petition of over 3,000 signatures to SD&G MPP Jim McDonell at his office in Cornwall. The MPP and I had some one on oneContinue Reading

CFN – The end of an era today in Cornwall Ontario as Rub Salt frontman, Lift Off music programmer, and Corus radio music guy Rob Seguin leaves the City of a World of Possibilities for Peterborough. During Mr. Seguin’s tenure Corus radio in Cornwall has seen near unprecedented shrinkage inContinue Reading

CFN – This term of City Council here in Cornwall has shown the holes in the council system.   In a time when the City of Ottawa even is considering dropping from 24 councilors it’s starting to make a lot of sense.   LINK We have ten councilors currently.  Continue Reading

  CFN -CCEOC Inc. today announced their Contact Centre Employer of Choice Platinum level 2012 designation for Scotiabank Customer Contact Centres inCalgary, Cornwall, Toronto and Halifax.   “We are extremely proud to be recognized as an employer of choice across all our Centres in Canada,” said David Dobrosky, Senior Vice President of Customer Contact Centres,Continue Reading

CFN – It’s been really nice to witness first hand the power of collective action bringing forward an issue affecting the common good. I am referring to the recent series of events that led to “Beavergate,” as it now affectionately called. This tongue-in-cheek reference to a situation that changed theContinue Reading

CFN -Was it really shocking to learn that Heritage minister James Moore has revised the candidate requirements for future appointments under his department to include a stipulation that they develop and maintain and effective relationship with him and his staff? Actually what was shocking was that someone put that requirementContinue Reading

CFN –  This gardening season, don’t forget your trees.  With the gardening season underway, the Urban Forest Stewardship Network (UFSN) is calling on residents in communities across Ontario to help trees in their yards and neighbourhoods. Our trees often times exist in stressful conditions.  Drought, air pollution, salt spray, competitionContinue Reading