May 19, 2024 – Victoria Day is celebrated On May 20th this year. A senior friend told me that he remembers fireworks on Victoria Day many years ago. I remember fireworks but not sure if they are memories of July 1st. celebrations or Victoria Day. Families used to bring theContinue Reading

MARCH 11, 2024 – A well known Paramedic celebrated his birthday recently – Randy Lalonde. I worked some years ago with Randy at MCH before he left to become a Paramedic. He was always supportive and helpful to our residents…and lots of fun as well. Happy Happy Birthday Randy. PAWSContinue Reading

MARCH 21, 2023 – Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH) is reminding the community that they could experience a wait time when visiting the Emergency Department and is urging for more patience and kindness with its staff and physicians. Patients in the Emergency Department are seen according to the urgency of theirContinue Reading

The tenants of Beek Lindsay Seniors Residence had a nice visit with furry little pets recently. Mandy of Wytrueharvatt Farm brought two beautiful white rabbits, a small little rooster and two little white kitty Tickles. Everyone enjoyed holding a little pet for awhile. The Farm is all inclusive and offersContinue Reading

OPP CONDUCTING INVESTIGATION INTO DEATHS AT THE HAWKESBURY & DISTRICT HOSPITAL AUGUST 19, 2022 – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has laid additional First-Degree Murder charges in connection with the ongoing criminal investigation into the deaths at the Hawkesbury and District General Hospital. On March 25, 2021, members of theContinue Reading