FEBRUARY 20, 2022 – February is Heart Month. It is a time for not only fundraising but also to raise awareness of the heart and stroke problems which can be of a higher risk for individuals with an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, unhealthy weight, smoking, stress and excessive use ofContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 23, 2021 – The phrase, “One Day at a Time” can suddenly take on new meaning when we are battling a problem. Recently in August I was in the Cornwall Community Hospital for 3 weeks and underwent surgery. The staff in the ICU are angels…professional and very caring. IContinue Reading

Retirement residences are personal “homes,” not nursing homes. They’re designed, built and operated by companies for people aged 65 and up, places people choose to live based on their needs and what they can afford. To be clear, this is not a story about the government putting financial pressure onContinue Reading

JUNE 28, 2021 – Many years ago the Paragon Motel on Second Street West was a favourite place to swim in their great pool. They also held parties and other gatherings. Recently, a friend, Jack, sent me this article which he found on one of the Cornwall Historic sites. ItContinue Reading

JUNE 11, 2021 – The Pandemic has brought a lot of changes and upset to everyone, not to even mention some of dire consequences. Some seniors are finding the time long although a friend told me that she is now walking outside more often for exercise and to ease someContinue Reading

MAY 24, 2021 – A wonderful Cornwall senior, born in 1916, celebrated her 105th birthday this year on May 6th. Edna Dorey is a lovely lady. When you see her out walking, she is so spry that you would never guess her age. (Photo courtesy of Dorenda Dorey) Edna wasContinue Reading

MAY 6, 2021 – “Spring has sprung. The grass is riz. I wonder where the birdies is?” Well, not around this bird feeder for sure. Bob Katz took this photo watching the big black furry squirrel, manoeuvred himself off a wooden beam to this feeder. He filled himself up withContinue Reading

MARCH 8, 2021 – On television we see the lineups outside the COVID-19 vaccination clinics. Must be a cold wait for some people, seniors included. Our vaccination clinic will be soon opening at the Civic Complex which is a big building and hopefully no one will have to wait outsideContinue Reading

FEBRUARY 23, 2021 – It seems that people are finding all kinds of other things to do during our restriction times because of the COVID 19 virus. One lady told me she actually washed and set her own hair because of the beauty salons closures. Now she ponders, do IContinue Reading

FEBRUARY 11, 2021 – February is a busy month. We just had Ground Hog Day on Feb. 2nd. It was a snowy blowy day but the ground hogs gave their verdict. However, one was “six more weeks of winter” and others, “an early spring”. So…I guess we will have toContinue Reading

JANUARY 24, 2021 – With the new ‘Stay At Home’ restrictions, it is a good time for hobbies or to learn new ones when we have to stay indoors so much. When we were kids one of our favourite hobbies was stamp collecting. Some seniors still have the ones theyContinue Reading