Open Letter To Tim Hudak, PC Leader Mr. Hudak: These are uncertain economic times. We both know that any instability and uncertainty will take Ontario off track. Our province needs a strong, stable, positive government to move forward. Ontarians want a Premier and an experienced team that will stand upContinue Reading

CFN – Conservative Member of Parliament Brad Trost created a bit of a stir this week when he publicly criticized a decision of his own government. What made his comments so newsworthy was the rarity of the occasion as it is most unusual for Conservative MPs to speak publicly againstContinue Reading

CFN  – Elections are found in a magic box. Who gets to be supreme leader? Over this question, flags have waved, armies battled and prisons both built and destroyed. Who gets to have near direct control over our life, income and ability to support? At last, a chance to selectContinue Reading

CFN – If the turnout in Cornwall for Premier Dalton McGuinty is indicative of the election results on October 6th, compared to the turn outs for Tim Hudak and Andrea Horvath the Liberal candidate will have a huge smile on his face on election night! httpv:// In spite of coldContinue Reading

CFN – New polls numbers are being crunched by Eric Grenier and his 308 website.    It’s showing what many are seeing; that this is going to be an amazing story in Ontario election history as Dalton McGuinty and his Liberal government are on the precipice of earning a thirdContinue Reading

CFN – On Facebook today there was a quote from Albert Einstein; “The World will not be destroyed by those that do evil; but by those who watch them without doing anything.” We live in a conformist world.  Where the Sixties was about confrontation today we shy from it. Why?Continue Reading