CFN – To many, Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 will long be remembered as the day that an Eastern Ontario township Council (South Stormont) took a strong stand in support of Canadians’ inalienable right to freedom of expression. Why was that necessary? Language rights activist Howard Galganov will tell you it was essential to push back because in June an Ontario Court of Appeal judge ruled that, even though Russell Township’s forced bilingual sign law clearly violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, it is permissible to infringe on some of these rights in order to promote the agenda of some French language activists. Russell was the fourth Eastern Ontario township to adopt such a practice that dictates that all commercial signs be in French and English, even if the customers speak neither of those languages and without regard to need nor cost.
Galganov and Jean-Serge Brisson are in the process of a Supreme Court challenge to that ruling. However, Galganov is not putting all of his eggs in one basket. One township at a time he is working to get the remaining 440 Ontario townships not to infringe upon these inalienable (God-given) and Charter rights. Tuesday was South Glengarry’s turn to answer the challenge. The answer? We’ll deal with it at the next meeting.

Galganov did not miss the opportunity to remind his audience that our M.P. Guy Lauzon declined Galganov’s request to join him in taking a stand in South Stormont because the matter is “too controversial.”
It’s not o.k.! … If we wait for the politicians at the federal level, at the provincial level, we’ll be waiting for an awful long time. When a federal member of Parliament can’t stand up and say ‘I support freedom of expression; I support the Canadian Constitutional rights’, what’s to say!
158 Canadians have died fighting for the rights and freedoms of others [in Afghanistan] and we’re too frightened to fight for our own rights and freedoms here just by affirming our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms!

Galganov received a round of applause during his closing, when he requested of Council:
If any of the Councillors, in this case, Mr. Bougie, would present the resolution, and at the same time, present a motion to have it voted on tonight, because if we can’t figure out whether we should stand for Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, then let’s not have any vote ever.
Mayor Ian McLeod did acknowledge that this was not in accord with standard practice, but opened the floor to input from the councillors.
Councillor Frank Prevost expressed a desire that normal procedure of seeking input from administration be followed. He indicated that he was not opposed to the resolution, just not certain that it was necessary and wanted to give the two absent Council members further opportunity for input. The room resounded with boos in response.
Councillor Trevor Bougie gave his support to Prevost’s rationale.
A member of the audience asked that the resolution be read for their benefit just the same and was told that it was not available. Howard Galganov got to his feet and reminded Council that the CAO was indeed in possession of the resolution. CAO Derik Brandt did then acknowledge that he was in receipt of the resolution which was identical to the one passed by South Stormont, except that the final clause had been deleted. However, he declined to have it read at the meeting.
Will November 13, 2012 share a similar degree of fame as September 26th or will it be one of notoriety? Many eyes will be on South Glengarry Council at their next meeting in two weeks’ time, watching to see just how important human rights are to the Council. Any bets on whether or not the press and crowd will be back?

after South Glengarry Council deferred resolution
…we’re talking about the Charter of Rights, so why do you need a recommendation? It doesn’t make any sense to me … We opened the door for them in South Stormont; we made it easier for them. This is easy for them now. We stuck our necks out. It’s not an anti-French decision that we made; we give everybody the opportunity to put up their signs in any language. We didn’t mandate the use of any language on any sign. That’s what everybody wants. What threat is there? Why would anybody say it’s wrong to pass that.

after South Glengarry Council deferred resolution
These Councillors are used to having maybe ten [people in the gallery] and this decision to let this be delayed for two weeks, with the booing of at least 50-60 people, certainly makes a big impact. I’m sure they’ll have to think about this.

I don’t know why the decision is so hard; we have our young people overseas fighting for the very rights that they [South Glengarry Council] are unwilling to stand up for. It would be nice to see some Councillors, other than those in South Stormont, get the cahoonas to speak out for freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and all those rights that God gave us.

after South Glengarry non-vote
It’s quite disgraceful that the Council didn’t have the courage to even read the proposal. The excuses they gave were not good enough because they knew that there were people coming to listen, and they had the resolution … the basic thing is that they didn’t have the courage, and I think that they were intimidated by the number of French people in the audience. They were definitely intimidated.
“Jane Doe”, camera-shy former Quebecer living in South Glengarry:
I was in absolute shock. Coming here from the bordering province of Quebec, and having lived [there] and not having a constitution that anybody would stand up for, coming to Ontario thinking that the Canadian Constitution means something that people fought for and died for, to [tonight] watch any sense of Canadianism walk out that door, makes me ill in my belly. This isn’t about language; this is about human rights.
Our video clip shows Howard Galganov’s appeal to Council, Council’s response as well as comments made by supporters.
There you have it folks! In two week’s time we’ll report what the South Glengarry Council decides to do about this matter which has been placed before them.
Feel free to vote and rate this article as well as any comments which are posted below. Please, let’s not resort to unhelpful name calling and needless repetition of points once they been well-articulated. How does South Glengarry Council’s (non)decision sit with our viewers?
Don Smith reports on a variety of topics, notably good news items as well as social justice issues.
(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)
Oh, I almost forgot. Stella (if that is your real name), has it occurred to you that some English colleagues are afraid to sign their real names for fear or reprisal? Because that is what you racist francophones do. It is not only Hugo and Howard who have received death threats. If it happens to YOU, you call the law and maybe arrest US, and we defend at our expense. If it happens to US, guess what? It also costs us.
I guess the great thing about being a fracniophone in Canada is that a) you be a racist and no one will call you on it and b) you never have to pay for any of the French-only discriminatory exclusionary services with your own money. Where can I sign up to become a francophone?
Freedom certainly isn’t free.
Here is the November video.
Hope you enjoy it, as i enjoyed putting it together.
Just a note:
To those who say that i am not offering any solutions i say, that is not my task.
My task it is to simply present the information to you — and hopefully in turn – also “through you” to many others as well.
The hope is to bring awareness to as many Canadians as possible.
Each of us must make our own decisions as to what “the solutions” might be.
That being said, if the world doesn’t fall to pieces before then, it sure would be interesting to have “a gathering” on the Hill
sometime this coming spring to let them “the powers that be” know that the idea of continuing to waste our majority unilingual English
hard earned tax dollars on official bilingualism outside of the Federal government (which was what we were originally told it was only supposed to be)
must be abandoned.
If the “Nation/country/province” of Quebec can be proud of having their own flag and their own “common language” then
Canada should also be proud of having it’s own flag and it’s own “common language” as well.
And, just like Quebec expects anyone coming to their “Nation/country/province” should learn their “common language” – French –
then – they – and anyone else coming to the country of Canada should be expected to learn Canada’s “common language” – English – as well.
They can, by all means, retain their own language also but,
there are many who suggest that it should be considered a “civic duty” to learn the language of the country one is coming to.
..figures..a snappy remark accusing me of trying to exterminate a language and culture..and another jab at Galganov..I cannot side with you Dick..your numbers are wrong..your accusations plenty..I don’t want to give more $$$, time and effort..it will not make bilingualism work..it has to be accepted by the people..its just not happening..french is declining..its not my responsibility to save it..nor is it my neighbours..if it is wanted, it will survive..let the cards fall where they may..remember, the french community is their own worst enemy..they will bring about their own demise..it’s the “all or nothing” attitude of many..kinda like yourself Dick…”give me everything or I’m leaving”…well, we’re broke.. so, the door is right there.
..les habitants..grimalot, IAPBIO…same guy..known him for years..worked with him for 5 years..worked out with him..party with him..good guy..guess what? The man doesn’t speak a word of french…don’t worry…he is still with us…I never knew he had arthritis..never mentioned it in the 10 years that I’ve known him…yes, he knows who Ferris is aswell…however, it’s about respect…I respect him…he respects me..even though our opinions differ, I admire his tenacity.
Maybe South Glengarry should be made aware that on the same day Russell Township amended their sign by-law they also passed a by-law that would ensure bilingual services are provided by the Township administration. WOW…Not too many South Glengarry employees would have a job today if that were to happen.
Where did the bilingual sign bylaw start in Russell Township? Who approached the council first?
If you guys can~t see the errors in this “New Resolution” you are trying to force by a MINORITY of people that claim to be a “majority” than you are all mislead….. or obtuse on purpose….Move on ….there are far more important issues to take up attention….the message you convey is not at all equality or fairness…regions and townships have a right to govern and consider by-laws without interference by a mostly nonresidential group . By-laws under duress are not good governance…South Stormont may stand alone . must be what is meant by ground zero!!!Propaganda you keep saying…. so any one who does not agree with your one sided argument is a propogandist… I know of a past leader that would agree with you , wore a funny little mustache…Next step??
There were 250 people in support of this resolution in South Stormont. There were 50 to 60 in support in South Glengarry, and another 40 to 50 were there and OPPOSED to this resolution. The writing is on the wall – this resolution is going to be defeated. And after that loss I bet none of the other Townships nor Cornwall will vote for this. It is the beginning of the end for this resolution.
why trust jim allan, because when you google his name and the only site that comes up is languagefairness. Other sites that come up is blogs like topix, so come on you gotta come up with a better accountant then someone that works for languagefairness. IS he close personal friends with beth trudeau. Jim allans numbers are fiction. By his numbers, the whole education budget of every province is used to promote official bilingualism, hogwash i say.
So 2.4 billion out of a budget of more then 240. 1% of the budget. The worry of governmental waste should come at the top, 35 billion on planes, 50 billion for the action plan…there you go, a third of the canadian budget, they should make me finance minister, we would save billions.
Ferris November 17, 2012 at 7:51 am
So Ferris he does this for fun ,while the many on here fight for equality because they have been discriminated against?
He’s as sick as Stella (Julie L) do they not know the social problems this has caused to society?
And this is fun for them?To watch others suffering because of social discrimination at the hands of our GOVERNMENT!
John can you answer the question I put out there. Who approached Russell Township?
John Macdonald November 17, 2012 at 10:14 am
Did you not read the article ?There were far more in favour then not -where you there?
Keep spreading your propaganda !
So where you one of those 15 behind the reporters desk?
Or was your comments of perception,or was it fed to you through one of the 15?
You are so stupid. There are none so blind as those who don’t want to see.
The bye law proposed by Galganov and supported by CLF et al is not forcing anything on anyone. If you could be open minded, read and try to comprehend it. It is simply closing the door on the opportunity for any future, or present Council to pass a Bye-Law contrary to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Francophones don’t seem to understand nothing is being taken away, particularly their rights and freedoms. They too are beneficiaries.
Let me take you down the road and speculate on what will almost certainly happen next. I believe it has happened several times in Quebec.
1. A business is mandated by law to have a bilingual sign
2. The sign implies the owner, and his/her employees can conduct
business in any language.
3. Client/customer tries to conduct business in French ( I say
French because that is where it is going).
4. Business person doesn’t speak French.
5. Client protests and puts in complaint to Language Commission.
6 Business is accused of false advertising, maybe fined.
7. Business is ordered to employ a bilingual person and once again
the deck is stacked against the Anglophone. (Remember the attempt to replace the Anglophone Postmistress in Pakenham,
a virtualy 100% English community. Probably the result of one isolated Francophone complaint).
Allowing any person or business to use the unrestricted language of it’s choice is “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” and the Bye-Law we propose is equally fair and just to all Canadians including Francophones. It should not be necessary to say, “Francophones”
but so many of them do not consider themselves Canadians.
I am invite Francophones to participate in this dialogue and explain what it is you are afraid of. Help us to understand you.
Cory said there were 50 to 60 supporters there. That’s 80 percent less than in South Stormont! This is going down in flames and I for one am HAPPY about it. It’s a totally useless resolution. All it does is cause trouble for the sake of causing trouble because you already can use any language you want on your signs in South Glengarry. Time to move on to REAL problems!
@Rosie RE: November 17, 2012 at 9:19 am POST
Rosie wrote, “Maybe South Glengarry should be made aware that on the same day Russell Township amended their sign by-law they also passed a by-law that would ensure bilingual services are provided by the Township administration.”
— Good information Rosie. Thanks for sharing that with many of us who may not have known. And there you have it. Most difficulty for Anglophones to find work in their own damn country.
@Ferris RE: November 17, 2012 at 7:24 am POST
Ferris wrote, “remember, the french community is their own worst enemy..they will bring about their own demise..it’s the “all or nothing” attitude of many..kinda like yourself Dick…”give me everything or I’m leaving”…well, we’re broke.. so, the door is right there.”
— So true Ferris and, as the next part of that old saying goes, don’t let the door hit ya on the way out. In other words, be quick about it. You don’t want our flag or our language then fine do without our cash too.
@Richard tremblay RE: November 17, 2012 at 10:33 am POST
Richard wrote, “So 2.4 billion out of a budget of more then 240. 1% of the budget.
— Yes, there is a lot of waste in the government and yes, that should be addressed ASAP but, as for this 1% you keep harping about. Using a percentage like you’re doing in an attempt to make it seem like a small number is not working for you. The fact is, ANY tax payer MONEY spent on this ridicules ongoing — French take over of this country — opps, I meant to say bilingualism — is too much. Why you ask? Because it JUST IS, and secondly because 80% of that percentage comes from Anglophones and why the hell should we be paying ANY AMOUNT AT ALL for something that is only hurting us.
@highlander RE: November 17, 2012 at 10:39 am POST
highlander wrote, “And this is fun for them?To watch others suffering because of social discrimination at the hands of our GOVERNMENT!”
— What do you expect, it’s part of the “je me souviens – we’ll never forget” mentality. They are taught from a very young age (and i have video to prove it) that the English are the bad guys, the oppressors etc. So, to them this is their payback. All the more reason to push back and stamp out any chance of them re-writing history any more than they already have.
Hi all, RE: November video.
Despite having 3 different proof readers and myself go over the video we all missed – esteem – which was misspelled and the word English which was mistyped in one spot.
Sorry for that. I will endeavor to fix it at a later date when i have some time available.
(o o)
Great video. It’s is truly scary. Trudeau was very astute and perceptive when he conceived his plan. Many say to dream of a French Canada is really absurd and dreaming. To even suggest it will reap the expletive deletives, and all those racial adjectives we CLF’s are well acquainted with.
Only those of us who have been close to the transition to French domination understand what a well conceived plan it was.
History shows that all successful attempts to dominate, even change the language of the occupied country, were led by very small groups of powerful men (and today women). Such is the case in Canada.
I have already lived the experience and lost my great job to the Francophones many years ago, shortly after Trudeau started dreaming. I know what I am talking about.
Wake up Anglophones, you are dreaming now but it could become a nightmare as it already has for some.
Tremblay, just googling someone’s name does not give you the whole story. As a performer I am dismayed to find how LITTLE there is of my work out there. Just because YOU decide that a man whose BUSINESS and EXPERTISE is numbers and has been for more than 20 years is not reason enough to dismiss them.
In fact, I will dismiss YOUR numbers and figures for the same reasons I said earlier. The government is highly motivated by the racist fracnophones who would suffer a backlash unlike anything you have ever seen if the complete expense is shown to Canadians. (Did you forget that most propagandists in Kaybec claim that they are a “have” province, statistics be damned?)
And like I said, I am willing to allow the possibility that Mr. Allan may not have the right information from government sources etc (big surprise). But to say he is of by a factor of 1000% is disingenuous. The fact is FRENCHIFICATION (remember, there is NO bilingualism in Canada) is the single biggest waste of taxpayer dollars and ONLY benefits racist francophones. When you agree with that premise and work with us to getting rid of the odious OFA (Official Frenchification Act) to promote fairness for all (oh right, I forgot; francophones outside Kaybec already get everything they ask for), perhaps your arguments will be taken more seriously.
But feel free to justify whey we should bend over backwards with English Canadian money for the 17% or fewer who cannot (or more likely do not) speak the English language?
McDonald, how much are the racist francophones paying to to spread French propaganda and derail our efforts?
Piper…….you brought tears to my eyes when you wrote about those that suffer because of social discrimination. Because you brought it on yourself, your statement seems to be less painful **s**
Thinking ferris’s claim about les habitants is not factual. For God sake, les habitants posted in FRENCH on this site…….give us a break. Never knew of anyone who could write french but not speak it…….LOL With verbs and all the rest that is involved….french is a very difficult language to write.
John I hope your prediction is correct, then perhaps the citizens could have peace of mind. People are sick of it. You see, elected officials have better and bigger things to do then listen to the savior and his gang of ten.
Did the LFA hear from the UN yet? My goodness, it has to be over 6 months now…..thinking they would have heard something by now, this is an important issue **smile**
@Ken you just proved my point thank you Ken…..!!! no one is as equal as a unilingual anglophone… no allophone will ever measure up…that is the tainted philosophy ..that is not equality….You are not a human rights activist for anyone other than yourself and your little band of unmerry believers… you don`t want to see the damage you cause in each community or neighbourhood… self righteousness is not in the Charter..have good weekend time to put up the Christnas decos….
Frustrant que défendre ses droits, on se fait appeler raciste. Galganov fait la promotion de l’extermination de notre culture et c’est un héros. Continue Stella, la logique leur échappe, il semble qu’on est raciste sans le savoir.
Richardg tremblay November 17, 2012 at 10:33 am
Question Richard : Why does Ontario spend 1200% more on bilingualism for 400,000 people then Quebec does for it 1,500,000 people?
Simple Quebec is not interested in bilingualism-50 million spent for 1.5 million ,Ont 624 million for 400,000.
So out of the 2.4 billion (many reputable people think it’s much higher 10 billion). 50 million spent to encourage English?
So this is not for bilingualism but French.why not spend 624 million in Quebec to promote the other official language -ENGLISH?
stellabystarlight November 17, 2012 at 12:56 pm
” John I hope your prediction is correct, then perhaps the citizens could have peace of mind”
Well Julie le he was not there more were you so to see rhe full inpact ,try to show up next time so they have more then 10 people there!
By the way Julie Le its not just local,it goes way beyond and growing the internet is an amazing tool for what you see Julie is just the tip of the iceberg,many groups working together.
@Lou RE: November 17, 2012 at 12:49 pm POST
I first have to say, that was just an ASTOUNDING post Lou. VERY well said and so VERY poignant in sections.
Lou wrote, “The government is highly motivated by the racist fracnophones who would suffer a backlash unlike anything you have ever seen if the complete expense is shown to Canadians.”
“(Did you forget that most propagandists in Kaybec claim that they are a “have” province, statistics be damned?)”
— Yup, been there, seen that… They will argue right, left and center that they provide more to the federal coffers than they take out even though the cold hard numbers PROVE them wrong.
The fact is FRENCHIFICATION (remember, there is NO bilingualism in Canada) is the single biggest waste of taxpayer dollars and ONLY benefits racist francophones. When you agree with that premise and work with us to getting rid of the odious OFA (Official Frenchification Act) to promote fairness for all (oh right, I forgot; francophones outside Kaybec already get everything they ask for), perhaps your arguments will be taken more seriously.
But feel free to justify why we should bend over backwards with English Canadian money for the 17% or fewer who cannot (or more likely do not) speak the English language?
— Yes, we are indeed bending over, and we are only too painfully well aware of what they are doing as the next “step” in that scenario…
TIME to STOP this insanity.
1.5 million, nope, closer to 760 000. So you just double your figure. Do you make it a habit of lying or is it just your repeat a lie so often you can’t tell the difference.
My hero, the greatest PM has ever had.
Oh come on, let’s really go for it. The cost to enforce bilingualism on Pitt Street alone is over $3 billion per year! A very old and wise and respected English-rights freedom-fighter from Kelowna BC told me that, so it has to be true.
Richard tremblay November 17, 2012 at 2:19 pm
That’s not including the allophones that speak English as well the near 900,000 you see Richard its all in how those numbers are presented ,you still haven’t answered why Ontario spends 1200% more the Quebec yet have significantly less francophones then Quebec has Anglophone’s?
Hate to burst your bubble -The magazine “the beaver” had a poll and it was noted that trudeau was the most dispised politician in Canadian history.
He did have a large following but then so did Hitler.
John, you wrote,
“Cory said there were 50 to 60 supporters there.”
Really? I wasn’t even there dipshit!
Hey all,
I came across the above article today. 2.4 billion a year as the cost of bilingualism in Canada per year!
My question is such. For all of their positive support of French services in Canada and the language in question, if they feel so strongly about it, why wouldn’t the likes of these posters such as Stella, Richard, John etc. volunteer their time to tutor unilingual English people the French language in the Cornwall area?
Instead of wasting hours upon hours spinning the stories they fabricate? I mean, wouldn’t they be doing their community a service by doing so?
For the most part, I see these people doing something strange indeed? They seem to be fighting what others are trying to do by standing in defiance of their ability to post signs in French if they wanted to?
Why would they do this? It seems weird to me.
7% of Anglophones outside of Quebec are bilingual.
84% of Francophones outside of Quebec are bilingual.
Who manufactured the BIG LIE that Canada is bilingual?
Sorry, I should have written Chris (but Cory, I’m not surprised by how you responded to my mistake, your personal attacks and name calling on this site are very crude).
I believe energy should be directed at organizations that have unfair bilingualism requirements not booing and calling names to a Council that allows its residents to use any LANGUAGE THEY WANT ON SIGNS. This is only causing trouble for the sake of causing trouble.
Can`t find “frenchification” in my dictionnary… it must be another invention by lfa …..and cflf…creative bookkeeping notwithstanding….
Thanks John for the apology
🙂 And your’re welcome about the crude comments directed towards you and others of your ilk good sir.
I bow out to you,
With unkind regards,
Patrick…..Ils ont une maladie donc il y a pas de remede ni de guerison pour nous donner espoir **s**
Ed exactly, like I said before, they spend 20 hours a day finding sites that suit their purpose…..thinking they may convince people who don’t know better….LOL We hear about it everyday….sites like the ones they put forth are not reliable.
cory is thinking of presenting himself for elections **s** With a mouth and attitude like his…..thinking the same thing will happen to him as his savior the g, the one and only.
treats……..the english don’t want to learn french, thought you knew that. They want french eliminated…..like in wiped off the face of the earth. Did you not read the g, the shepherd’s pamphlet? I would be more then happy to teach them, but their minds were made up long ago not to learn french.
c’est drole, they are not only good at making up words, they can also make up good stories….fiction that is.
LMFAO. So Treats is actually Cory. Do I hear an oops? LMFAO. How many other aliases on here are actually you Cory? I can see how you can accidentally sign your name to the wrong one with so many to handle. But it sure explains a lot about some of these posts supporting you.
November 17, 2012 at 11:01 am I wrote: John can you answer the question I put out there. Who approached Russell Township?
I didn’t get an answer yet, just wondering if you read the question. Some have read, that I know, because I’m getting negative votes for asking a question.
Now Stella; maybe some English only speakers simply see no value in having to learn French outside of Quebec? (Likewise French only speakers in Quebec don’t feel a need to learn English) That doesn’t make them racist. I mean it doesn’t help the economy and other than artificial implementation in the government and certain locales around Canada does French add to our GDP? Our Economy? Our Exports? I know I tried for example to support and offer French news via David Gregoire and that experiment was an utter fail. Not only did the Francophone community not support the initiative, but some viewers complained. To this day I will still run a story in French or have French advertising if requested.
I think most Canadians; English and French agree that services should be provided to tax payers; IE tax payer provided government services in both languages, but there does seem to be an issue with how that’s worked out. Should someone in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan be able to demand to live in French? If that’s the case and that seems essentially what the Lecompte school of thought is around here then the same should be for Quebec or anywhere in Canada. And if we’re going there then every single student in Canada should graduate high school with those language skills.
After that shouldn’t it pretty much be up to individuals and communities how we deal with language?
I like that most of you are playing nice and having this huge dialog about language. I think it’s time for Canadians from Coast to Coast to do the same and have some form of making some sense out of what doesn’t always seem fair or productive…
I am everyone here John!
How’s that?
And you Treats?
Don’t appreciate you impersonating and then signing my name to it. Next time use your own name. I can handle my own in regards to zealotry.
The real Cory
I forgive you Corey, Treats, Mariah, Rosie … LMFAO!
Admin, you have neglected to read the phrase, where numbers warrant in the charter. Of course in moose jaw, you don’t need to speak both official languages. Very few jobs are designated bilingual plus, at 1 percent of the national budget, is it worth it to bitch about it.
By the way, I’m happy your back, you moderate more. While you were gone the personal attacks grew. The words racist and dipshit were used, and should not be printed in any reputable ¨¨newspaper¨¨.
I know this will offend the Anglo freedom-fighters here, but if your personal phobia is the French language, it might be an idea to move a bit further away from the Quebec border. Canada is a huge place, and there really is no need to stay where your shorts will be in perpetual knots. Here’s a tip. If you don’t want to see Chinese on business signs, stay away from Vancouver and Toronto. Stay away from northern Ontario and Manitoba too. Lots of French people there. Best to go straight to central Alberta or the BC interior. Not sure, but I think Red Deer Alberta and Abbottsford BC are French-free so far.
Thanks John.
Hey others, feel free to post your thoughts as well to John. I will write this. I am the sole owner of MY postings. I write for myself; not others. Apparently others feel free to post for me though. Am I correct in my assertion, Lilith?
John you are forgiving me for asking you a question? How bizarre. Sorry for asking, sincerely thought maybe you could help.
We Richard I think we need a clearer structure of how we apply official bilingualism. I think the status quo isn’t fair and doesn’t work. I can’t see why a thorough examination and discussion across Canada could possibly hurt and I do agree that what we end up with should be applied coast to coast and if we as a country decide on something then the tools to apply what we decide are in place to support all Canadians fairly.
There are problems with bilingualism in Canada. An adult discussion in this country on fixing those problems would be a good thing.
Jamie…….just for the record, I have never ever called anyone a racist……not my style.
Both languages are alloted money and are recognized through Gov. funds for different things. Does that help the economy? I know….you will say but not to the tune that french get. However, in the end, what does it matter? Our tax dollars are going to be spent no matter what and it will not always be to our liking…..it’s a fact of life.
Jamie you said “then every student in Canada should graduate high school with those language skills” ABSOLUTELY!!! Perhaps the g and his flock should be fighting school boards instead of stirring the sh#t in small towns and trying to eliminate a culture.
OMG JOHN…….that is so FUNNY!!!! You are a sharp cookie!!!!
Admin, Lecompte’s tribe has no desire to play fair and be deprived of the privilege that OLA gives them.
7% of Anglophones outside of Quebec are bilingual.
84% of Francophones outside of Quebec are bilingual.
How fair is it to “promote” (demand) bilingualism in this linguistic REALITY? OLA is a bad law and must be repealed.
@ John Macdonald. That ain’t gonna happen here.
Now Stella please don’t put words in my mouth 🙂
What I will say is that before you can initiate a solution you have to be sure what the problem is.
admin November 17, 2012 at 4:20 pm
“tried for example to support and offer French news via David Gregoire and that experiment was an utter fail. Not only did the Francophone community not support the initiative”
That’s what is happening at the local churches many French catholic churches closing for lack of support :the have a new religion its called the French language and start crusades for it.
stellabystarlight November 17, 2012 at 4:09 pm
“We hear about it everyday….sites like the ones they put forth are not reliable. ”
Now Julie lec LFA often posts CFN articles ,they are newspaper articles ,whether you agree or not they are still valid.