Eric Little of Ottawa Ontario Suggests Service Ontario Offer More Language Services – LTE

LTEImagine walking into a Service Ontario location and being served. Now imagine sitting in a comfortable chair and having a voice/video link with a government office. Now imagine speaking in one of say 5 main languages with a real person just like at a counter. Using technology to help people is not new, you can even get an app on your smart phone to detect where your metal property line marker is. Of course that app would not help to get your new license plates or help order a new health card but there is technology that can.

Surely with a bit of planning and will, we can create something to help more people get things done in a manner that concentrates on citizens needs. Some bank machines already provide several languages to use, there are 9-1-1 call centers that instantly connect to translation services that can cover 140 languages and we have had hearing/speech impaired interfaces for years.

Why can’t we have a central station in say Toronto with round the clock operators that can provide assistance in several languages? Assistance for health cards, some translation and real time support. If after a hundred plus years of language issues that no one seems ready to discuss and work towards solutions, the least we can do is help people that need it, is that not what multiculturism & bilingualism was about? Language duality is a wonderful concept but really, after 40 plus years of the Official Languages Act, 26 years of the Ontario French Languages Services Act and billions of dollars, the percentage of bilingual Canadians has remained stagnant outside of Quebec, but let’s put technology to work for the benefit of all Canadians even as a trial, each Ontario ministry already has a language coordinator, give them technology as well,and stop saying why we can’t do something, ask your MP and MPP how we can!

(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)

James Moak


  1. RE: Posts with links to not armed militia.

    None of these news paper clippings confirm that these groups are
    ARMED MILITIA. They call themselves a version of FLQ is what it
    confirms. It does not confirm that they are armed militia.

    “Les Jeunes Patriote du Quebec”

    That is what was said. Not that some groups called themselves FLQ REINCARNATIONS.
    This does not confirm that there is an ACTIVE ARMED MILITIA in QUEBEC.

  2. @ bella. I’m not sure what serious question you want answered. Is it “Why don’t you agree with me?” or something like that?

  3. No furtz, you know exactly what the question was. But here, I went and found it for you.
    Why must someone who disagrees with you and your ilk, be a freedom fighter who wants nothing more than to annihilate Quebec and anything French? Why can’t someone question perceived biases without being vilified?

  4. Yup, what YOU say HftT. Whatever YOU say 🙂 Why don’t you tell us all how things work. After all, Stella hasn’t had a BIG “O” in a while now.

    While you’re at it.. Why don’t you..
    * Tell us how things are fair for Canadian citizens living in Quebec when their constitutional rights to their own language have been dismissed and are stepped on on a daily basis.

    * Tell us why it is that ALL Canadians must learn French just to get jobs in this country. A country with statistics that show that in ANY GIVEN province (excluding the two socially engineered provinces) there is only a max of 0.3%. Seems to me it would be MUCH more economical and practical (considering the whole world deals in the English language) for the French to learn English. As far as i am concerned it’s a travesty to see people that were born in, and grew up in this country that CANNOT speak the common language (English) of the VERY COUNTRY they grew up and live in.

    * Tell us who won the right to control this countries destiny and how that got twisted into what it is today.

    * Tell us why it is that 65% of the government is French controlled when the population is only 17.5% French and only 4% in Ontario where most of these jobs are.

    * Tell us if ANY OTHER COUNTRY would allow a party like the Bloq to exist in within their federal institution. A party who’s own stated goal was to serve ONLY the interests of the French and the province of Quebec.

    It’s not hard to see how they would have mumbled the pledge of allegiance to the Queen part when taking the oath of office.

    * And, while on that topic, tell me how it is that Quebec MNA’s get away with doing this mumbling of the pledge of allegiance in the first place without that being a treasonous act or just plain NON Canadian.
    Oh, that’s right. You don’t believe this is taking place, do you. You believe they are pledginig the oath of allegiance to the victorious British QQUEEN

  5. Yup, whatever YOU say HftT. Whatever YOU say 🙂

    Why don’t you tell us all how things work. After all, Stella hasn’t had a BIG “O” in a while now.

    Go ahead, why don’t you..
    * Tell us how things are fair for Canadian citizens living in Quebec when their constitutional rights to their own language have been dismissed and are stepped on on a daily basis in their own country.

    * Tell us why it is that we are moving towards a state where by ALL Canadians must learn French just to get jobs in this country. A country with statistics that show that in ANY GIVEN province (excluding the two socially engineered provinces) there is only a max of 0.3% French only representation.

    Seems to me it would be MUCH more economical and practical (considering the whole world deals in the English language) for the French to learn English. As far as i am concerned it’s a travesty to see people that were born in, and grew up in this country that CANNOT speak the common language (English) of the VERY COUNTRY they grew up and live in.

    * Tell us who won the right to control this countries destiny and how that got twisted into what it is today. (Other than the truth which is that the British won that right and the French are taking advantage of laws that were put in place by a powerful PM so they could ultimately get this control, that is)

    * Tell us why it is that 65% of the government is French controlled when the population is only 17.5% French and only 4% in French in the province of Ontario where most of these jobs are located.

    * Tell us if ANY OTHER COUNTRY would allow a party like the Bloq to exist in within their federal institution. A party within the federal system who’s own stated goal was to serve ONLY the interests of the French and the province of Quebec.

    It’s not hard to see how they would have mumbled the pledge of allegiance to the Queen part when taking the oath of office.

    * And, while on that topic, tell me how it is that Quebec MNA’s get away with doing this mumbling of the pledge of allegiance in the first place without that being a treasonous act or just plain NON Canadian.
    Oh, that’s right. You don’t believe this is taking place, do you? You believe the Quebecqois are pledging the oath of allegiance to the victorious British QUEEN of ENGLISH, right. Or is it that YOU WANT A VIDEO TAPE taken by a judge OF THE EVENT, to be absolutely sure that Bridgette Pellerin is not lying about something she has no reason to lie about.

    Tell us how it is not a travesty against humanity for a people (the French powers that be) to have re-writen / errased in some cases history in the way the French are doing in order to not have to deal with un-pleasantries like how the area they wish to control is filled with bridges and buildings and so on (not to mention social events) that are there ONLY because the British, the Iris and the Scott’s made them into what they ended up being.

    * Tell us why the English should accept and pay for (to the tune of billions and billions) this ongoing march towards a country where all the English can speak French yet, many French cannot speak a damn word of English while they are calling this a bilingual country. (bi = two)

    * Oh, and on that topic. Tell us all why it is that the French go around claiming this is a bilingual country when
    A) it is NOT. It is simply a country with two (so called) official languages. You, who are clearly into semantics should be able to see a clear distinction there.
    B) Why it is that when the French — while claiming this is a bilingual country — actually use the phrase “this is a bilingual country” to bolster their right to get service in French in every nook and cranny but, they conveniently forget that the province of Quebec is indeed INSIDE CANADA (or supposed to be) and yet they ARE NOT “bi”lingual and have no desire to be bilingual.

    Stella, get ready. The big “O” is coming. HftT is going to enlighten us all and i imagine it’s going to be good so get ready for the … Then you can sing the praises.

  6. Ooops, hit a button by mistake and lost track of this initial August 12, 2013 at 7:52 am version. Didn’t realize it got posted.
    My apologies to all. Maybe admin can delete it (and this note) instead of posting it. We’ll see.

  7. Hungry for the Truth….
    August 11, 2013 at 12:24 pm

    lives for lies.

    Thanks for that propaganda ,but had you not made a promise to only deal with the local hiring issue ?

    Oh that’s right you have been drinking stella’s cool-aid and then you go back to the sandbox to tuck your head deep in to ignore the truth .

  8. bella
    August 11, 2013 at 12:53 pm

    Why are french rights in Ontario more important that english rights in Quebec?

    Look at hwy 138 ,hwy 401 and hwy 417 all have bilingual signs !
    Why cant Quebec extend that same courtesy that these francophone zealots keep asking for ?

    Yes Bilingualism today French tomorrow

    It has become Quebec’s own manifest destiny for Canada.

  9. Hungry for the Truth….
    August 11, 2013 at 6:46 pm

    “None of these news paper clippings confirm that these groups are
    ARMED MILITIA. They call themselves a version of FLQ is what it
    confirms. It does not confirm that they are armed militia.”


    FLQ members are considered hero’s in some social circles including the PQ-Interesting that TERRORISTS are hero’s In Quebec.

    University of Montreal is a hotbed of FLQ supporters and have a number of professors that were ACTIVE members of the FLQ.

  10. Highlander wrote, “Why cant Quebec extend that same courtesy that these francophone zealots keep asking for ?”

    Oh c’mon Highlander. Quebec? Extend courtesy? To — Les Anglais?

    These people have an office called.
    — The office of da la screw the hinglish language — for crying out loud. Or, that’s what it would be called if you applied the proper double speak rules to it.

    How would you (or anyone) expect this ethnocentric group to extend common courtesy to ANYONE. Other than their own of course? I know, it was a rhetorical Quebec but, it does give the opportunity to present the following.

    These folks are so deathly afraid of assimilation they cower, outlaw and block out any other languages.

    As a matter of fact, your question is at the root of the WHOLE problem. The English allowed Quebec and the French element to TAKE OVER the province of Quebec. Rather than make a fuss they figured — ah, what the hell. Let em have it. The English (for the most part, along with many of the SMART French moved away. The remaining ethno’s moved in and took their place in the shops and businesses.

    That was fine. Bill 101 est Francais dans tout la ville. Everyone figured — OK, they have what they want. Their own French “country.” where they can act like they are little kings and queens.

    But no… That wasn’t enough… NOW, they are getting greedy. They want MORE…

    It’s at this point, when they started pushing the boundaries of their dream of French outside of Quebec and implementing this unfairness on the rest of Canada is where people like you and I — and others — began saying, hey, “attandez juste une petit second le.”

    Even though we won it fair and square originally, we let you have Quebec. Now stop there.

    But no. Always the greedy bunch they had to HAVE MORE. Once they got goin…
    The push then became … To dominant OUTSIDE OF Quebec also.

    And of course, if we apply the French domination doctrine outside of Quebec with what we know about their total fear of assimilation we can clearly see the final outcome if left unchecked and unchallenged.

    We are already seeing it in places like the Montfort hospital

    and the University of Ottawa.

    Two places where the French originally asked for bilingualism and once they got their foot in there we NOW see that these places are pretty much FRENCH dominant.

    People need to wake up and see what is going on.

  11. RE: Highlander POST on August 12, 2013 at 9:48 am

    Well said Highlander. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  12. This was posted as a common by a French separatists on one of my videos in response to my saying yes, Quebec and Canada should be separate. What can i do to help.

    “If you want to help us, organize a national petition in English Canada demanding the independence. People have to understand that 2 different nations can’t live in the same country. We don’t share the same language, the same history and the same way of life, so we must separate while remaining friends. Why can’t we create a new free trade area between Canada & Québec?”

    And I AGREE. As long as they don’t “try” to jerk Canada around during the negotiations then everything should be fine. We can then move forward and respect each other a lot more.

  13. Highlander August 12, 2013 at 9:48 am

    Highlander who creates lies… a skirt, did you or did you not make a public accusation and assertion that “Les Jeunes Patriotes du Quebec” was in fact an armed militia group?

    Highlander August 10, 2013 at 4:57 pm

    “(they have a armed militia for the defense of Quebec)in fact have issued death threats to English activists there .”

    When in fact they are not ARMED MILITIA. They are a Separatist rights activist group associated to la St Jean Baptiste Societe. They are not ARMED MILITIA as you accused them of being.

    “University of Montreal is a hotbed of FLQ supporters and have a number of professors that were ACTIVE members of the FLQ.”

    Do you have any factual proof that these professors are actual members of an Active ARMED MILITIA. Can you produce any FACTUAL PROOF of your claim. This is a serious innuendo accusation.

    I have forwarded a copy of your post to a Professor friend that teaches at UdeM. She will get back to me ASAP. When I brought it up to her she was just as surprised as I, to learn that someone is suggesting that the faculty at the University are training students to become ACTIVE ARMED MILITIA.

    As for my decision. I said I would not get involved in any debates that would not advance the cause of unfair hiring practices in Cornwall.

    This is not debating. Correcting inaccuracies in false claims is not debate.

  14. @ Highlander. Do you suppose that these U of M terrorists are stockpiling WMDs? Scary stuff for sure! I heard that they were stashing them at the St. Alberts cheese factory, and they were mostly destroyed in the fire. I don’t believe it myself, but it might be worth investigating.
    Here’s a site that all freedom-fighters should explore. Lots of good info.

  15. Grand merci HFTT…..highlander will eventually hang himself with the lies he keeps posting. Guess what? He is fooling no one except the freedom fighters.

    highlander once posted “Because one has some form of education doesn’t mean they are smart”

    Once again he has proven to everyone he is right by his BS posts.

    HFTT on behalf of Furtz, Richard and myself thank-you. It’s about time this guy gets put in his place.

  16. @ Stella and Hungry. These Guys are living in their own world. Not to be taken too seriously. Just half a dozen angry people who have finally found a cause they can fight for. It’s kinda like devoting one’s self to an imaginary god. Something to focus (obsess) on rather than having to deal with life.
    So, where are those Separatist’s WMD’s?

  17. ummmm furtz? yoo-hoo? Did I get lost in the clutter?

    furtz, why am I a monster because I asked about some signs?


    And thank you Highlander for reminding me. I forgot that ricky tremblay ran away without answering. My buddy furtz is gonna field it though. Right furtz?

    Why are french rights in Ontario more important that english rights in Quebec?

  18. Furtz August 12, 2013 at 3:39 pm

    For a bunch of rights defenders they sure have a weird twist at respecting others rights. The imaginary god may very well be that Militia Leader that is claimed to be active in Quebec. I visited your suggested Link and order 10 beanies. With all this loose information going on here I’m not taking any chances. Why have you not taken time to answer the so very important question that one has been asking you to answer for the past two weeks. It’s like a broken record spinning out of control. End the static once and for all. I’m going to St Albert tonight let you know what
    I find out.

  19. @ bella. I called you a monster? Pretty sure Admin would have blocked a comment like that. Complaining about the lack of English signs in Quebec hardly makes you a monster. I hereby declare, that in my opinion, you are not a monster. What more can I say?
    @ Hungry. Be careful poking around St. Alberts. Some of those WMDs could still be dangerous.

  20. @hftT
    I can’t speak for claims made by others. The link i posted may not be “the same” group that was mentioned but, i find it VERY interesting that you completely ignored the video link i posted which exposed THIS PARTICULAR Quebec militia group leader who threatened the life —

    (yes, threatened to kill a fellow human being.)

    — of a Mr. Hugo Shebbeare. That video link was posted along with the newspaper articles — which you denounce as not proving anything about violent groups —

    As for the newspaper articles. I suppose that, by your (so called) logic and reasoning, just because the articles do not spell out in great detail how this group is indeed violent group then — this group claiming they are a re-incarnates of the FLQ are actually upstanding respectable citizens who belong to this group who do nothing but help little old (French ladies) to cross the roads in Quebec.
    — roads incidentally that are paved with dollars from the majority Anglophone tax payers from the ROC.

    Such brilliant logic you offer hftT? I am surprised Stella didn’t give you one of her “nose up your butt standing ovations” for that one.

    Funny how you most often neglect ANYTHING that doesn’t fit your arguments.

    You do know why the leader of this “militia group” threatened Mr. Shebbeares’ life, don’t you?

    Or, do those details not matter to those of your ilk since these particular groups that are threatening peoples lives and using terror tactics are French groups?

  21. Why are french rights in Ontario more important that english rights in Quebec?
    – are apples more important then oranges ? You’re comparing two different things. And, you have said yourself you wouldn’t risk your life by going to Québec because of signs…so you don’t have to worry. Take it from someone that has actually been in Québec. You could be in Shawinigan and still be able to get around as an anglo. And for your info, I don’t have the time to read everything posted on CFN, I’d like to, but I have a job and other obligations.

    Bilingual today, french tomorrow…
    Sure, at 78 percent majority in Canada, anglos should feel threatened. And, when government revenues are around 238 billion a year, we allocate less then 1 percent of the national budget for bilingualism, aren’t we just complaining for nothing. Some anglos, not all want it both ways. They want every one to speak english and feel insulted when some francophones don’t. La vie est tellement courte. Je répète madame bella, allez faire un câlin à un francophone, ceci vous libèrera de votre amertume, je l’espère.

  22. Thanks furtz.
    How about this one?

    Why are french rights in Ontario more important that english rights in Quebec?

  23. yorlik wrote: I am surprised Stella didn’t give you one of her “nose up your butt standing ovations” for that one.

    Know what yorlik? He deserved one yet again for teaching you guys a thing or two. He does the proper research and has proven you guys wrong time and time again. The information he shares are from reliable sources and not from some anti-French jerk who decides to make a you tube video.


    Continue le beau travail…..tu fait bien ca!!!! Ont t’apprecie!!!!

  24. edudyorlik August 12, 2013 at 11:52 pm

    “Funny how you most often neglect ANYTHING that doesn’t fit your arguments.”

    The amazing thing about wanting something to fit an argument is exactly what seems to be going on with half truths and no realistic contextual facts.

    The Truth, this man is a RADICAL that calls himself “Major” Serge Provost. He’s an unemployed car salesman that lost his job as a result of a RCMP investigation. Shortly after, he opened a surplus store and has become a one man show relying on the
    the surplus store as his main source of income.

    If you look at the authorities estimates of the number of members they say 25-50. When the ‘Major” is asked he says 200-250.

    When his recruits go and play in the wood under the guise of training they purchase their clothing and equipment from his surplus store. Then he charges each member $30.00 for this activity. They have no Guns or ammunition during these games.
    They have never successfully been granted a permit for a firing range after 9 years. In the 9 years except for the incident of April 2011 of uttering death threats there has been no other. Once is not the norm but the exception of behaviour.

    I suppose he’s need to have his RADICAL agenda heard succeeded. Media gave him his 5 Minutes. No different than other RADIACLS that dropped off coffins on the front lawn of the Canadian German Embassy to make his views known and get his 5 minutes in the spotlight. I agree it’s funny how most neglect anything that is the FACTS.

    They can hardly be considered an armed Militia group when every Law enforcement agency is monitoring their activities.
    And their Web site is closed. It has been since Sep. 2012
    Avis de maintenance:
    Milice Patriotique du Québec, Montréal, le 28 septembre 2012
    This is what you see when you visit the Web site.



    hahahahahahahahahahaha.. **** s **** 😉

  26. @ bella. Why are french rights in Ontario more important that english rights in Quebec?
    It could be because Ontario has a different provincial government from Quebec? Your guess is as good as mine.

  27. Richard tremblay
    August 13, 2013 at 7:04 am

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question Rick. I appreciate the effort, but you lost me right here: “And, you have said yourself you wouldn’t risk your life by going to Québec because of signs…” I never said any such thing.

    And no, it’s not apples and oranges, it’s very much apples to apples. So in that vein, why are your apples more important than my apples?

    “La vie est tellement courte. Je répète madame bella, allez faire un câlin à un francophone, ceci vous libèrera de votre amertume, je l’espère.”

    Awww honey, I too am a busy person and don’t have time to read everything on the interwebs. I will not be making the effort to read your insults. If you would like say something worth my time, please use my language of choice.

  28. yorlik…….keep dreaming. You of all people leave me feeling indifferent. I hardly ever read your rants and that is the truth.

  29. Hey Hungry, that’s pretty good research. You are so good at that. Thanks.

    I will respond when i get some time… In the meantime could you do some research on these CLOWNS for me.

    It would appear that they are VERY afraid.
    Maybe it’s time to apply their “thinking” to ALL OF CANADA

    whaddya think 🙂

    Thanks in advance.

  30. stellabystarlight August 13, 2013 at 12:05 pm

    “yorlik…….keep dreaming. You of all people leave me feeling indifferent. I hardly ever read your rants and that is the truth.”

    I’m so glad to see you say that you also never read his rants. I was beginning to think I was the only one. It’s always the same rhetoric that has no credible value, to anyone that is looking to constructively debate with the objective of bringing change to the UNFAIR HIRING PRACTICES in CORNWALL.

    They would be well served if they formed a Political Party. They could call themselves, THE ENGLISH SEPERATIST OF CANADA.
    They could officially promote their National Referendum that they’ve been whining about and bashing Quebec about. Get it done. Stop talking and put in their application today. That’s what they need to do in my opinion.

    This could bring the debate back on track and address the issue of Unfair Hiring Practices in Cornwall. That are unfairly affecting Canadians in our Cornwall Ontario Community. Clean up your own back yard, before looking over the fence.

  31. Firstly, YOU MUST have me mixed up with someone else HftT.

    — I NEVER said / wrote — armed — militia group.”

    That effectively eliminates most of your argument in that post TO ME as it should have obviously been directed at someone else.

    As for the rest of the fluff in your post. ie:

    hftT wrote, “In the 9 years except for the incident of April 2011 of uttering death threats there has been no other. Once is not the norm but the exception of behavior.”

    I tend to look at the human side of things. Something your ilk seem to push aside for some reason. Ah, maybe it’s because gets in the way of the degrading nastiness of what is being presented.

    In keeping with the “human side of things” I wonder if you could please refer your — easy off the fingers, but not so easy in REALITY — information directly to Hugo S. the man who actually feared for his life (i wonder.. can you honestly say you know how gut wrenching that must feel Hungry? To have your life threatened in such a manor?)

    Being told he “may not go home to see his children and his family while not knowing how legitimate that THREAT on ones life may be.”

    Yeah, i have a STRONG feeling that (as you put it) “this one incident” has a MUCH more poignant significance to the Mr. Shebbeare — whose life was threatened — than to some “researcher” in a forum.

    And TO HIM, this concept

    “In the 9 years except for the incident of April 2011 of uttering death threats there has been no other. Once is not the norm but the exception of behavior.”

    You so nicely presented in your warped insignificant sense

    is likely not viewed with the same mediocrity to the man that was actually threatened.

    I venture a guess that he — WOULD NOT — take it as lightly as you “TRY” to make it out to be.

    This is the MAJOR problem with YOUR side of this issue. You all seem to neglect THE FACT that these are peoples lives we are talking about. Not just statistics. or, in the case of Furtz, something to use to get his jollies by ridiculing and trying to get a rise out of people.

    There is ZERO defense (not even the characterizing the threat as the only threat on someones life as “an exception”) for such groups in this country.

    Just like there is zero defense for just about any of the things you and the — hangers on in this forum — attempt to defend with so called, “full bodied (lots of words)” research.

    Though i believe your side (Stella, Richard, et al) of the debate is weak (at beast) and grounded in a very warped sense how “the French” have somehow been programmed to believe a different reality/ history than what — IS REALITY — I do have admit, i have learned a few things from your posts. Thank you for that. Nothing that would change my sane state of thinking over to the misinformed misguided state that exits from you and your ilk but…

    NOTE: You MAY impress the likes of Stella (not a difficult task :-)) but, you don’t impress me.

    Carry on dodging, distracting, deflecting, double quoiting and coming up with useless information which is not really relevant to the FACT that

    real PEOPLE are BEING left out for jobs, and loosing jobs, and feeling a real sense of being treated as second class citizens in their own country. And i will keep on showing EVERYONE what the reality of what this looks like is.

    More and more people are starting to take notice. THOUNSAND come to this site and just read what you and your ilk are saying and they can see through the cr@p.

    It may be slow but it’s coming.

    Someone said it in a previous post (don’t have the time to check back so — I’ll give the credit to bell as i think it may have been her —
    “Even the smallest animal when backed into a corner will eventually strike back.”

    What is going on in this country IS WRONG and i believe (since you seem to be an intelligent person) that YOU know it is wrong and it MUST BE STOPPED and altered.

    Remember: The pendulum ALWAYS swings both ways.

    So, have a good swinging kinda day eh 🙂

    PS: did you get the skinny on those clowns who want to restrict language to people dying in hospitals in Quebec? Yikes. Un-freakin believable… Still waiting.. 🙂

  32. HftT “dictated” that this forum should be focused on
    “the objective of bringing change to the UNFAIR HIRING PRACTICES in CORNWALL.”

    Don’t know who made you boss but, it certainly WAS NOT ME.

    Nice of you to “try and direct” what the discussion is going to be about hftT but, the rest of us don’t have to go along with WHAT YOU WANT.

    If that doesn’t please you then i am sure you can find yourself a nice French group somewhere that will agree with everything you say. Please, do us all a favor and GO THERE.

    OH and PS.
    BRING STELLA WITH YOU PUuuullleeeaase 🙂

    There’s a dollar in it for ya 😉

    But remember, have a nice “do it my way” kinda day eh 🙂

  33. I would read Kilroy’s BS if it wasn’t so long and drawn out and stinky.
    When I see a three-coil steamer in my path, I usual walk around it.

  34. @furtz

    Well I made it back safe and sound from St Albert. I did not find any evidence of WMD. However I don’t know what those Frenchmen are up to but I found a warehouse full of French construction signs.

    The had signs with french words like CONSTRUCTION 5KM others signs in French had words like DETOUR 3KM. Others had a picture of a Frenchman with a hard hat and an octagon. Oh ya, they also had some with French arrows <<<<>>>>>.

    I hope that they’re are planning on translating into English, signs like CONSTRUCTION, DETOUR and especially the arrows. >>>>>. <<<<< How can someone that doesn't speak French
    understand this?

    I'm Hopeful that they will replace that Frenchman in the hard hat with an Englishman. Otherwise all these French signs could make navigating through CONSTRUCTION extremely difficult for the English drivers. I'll keep ya posted on the developments.

  35. @Furtz Wouldn’t know you were a grown man by reading your posts Furtz but, whatever floats your boat buddy. Carry on.

    Oh and have a nice “down stream” kinda day eh 🙂

  36. Thanks for the St Albert update Hungry. It’s dangerous work, but somebody has to do it. Were you able to get through your visit without being spat upon by a {MODERATED} Francophone? You, Sir, are a brave man!

  37. @ Edudyorlik. Thanks for providing so much entertainment. I don’t read most of the crazy BS you post, but you do manage to draw out some interesting comments from both crazy and sane people.
    Carry on.

  38. The word “filthy” gets bleeped?


    I have not dictated anything to anyone. You are free to post your
    rhetoric information that will change absolutely nothing for any
    one on this side of the fence. I do not have to agree with your
    useless information that will do nothing at improving the problem
    that is affecting our neighbours right here in Cornwall.

    Since when have you been given the authority to claim dictatorship on who should stays and who should go in this forum? I believed that it was a PUBLIC forum that invites ALL to debate and share their opinions. They may not all agree with your DESIRE of separating our Country.

    I’m glad to see that you make time to read my posts. I wish I could say as much about yours. Once you’ve read one, the rest are all the SAME the SAME the SAME the SAME the SAME the SAME…..

  40. Author

    Furtz not everyone gets your humour and CFN does not need potential abuse because of that.

  41. stellabystarlight
    August 12, 2013 at 2:51 pm



  42. Highlander
    August 12, 2013 at 9:48 am

    “FLQ members are considered hero’s in some social circles including the PQ-Interesting that TERRORISTS are hero’s In Quebec.

    University of Montreal is a hotbed of FLQ supporters and have a number of professors that were ACTIVE members of the FLQ”

    Hungry for the Truth….
    August 12, 2013 at 12:50 pm

    “I have forwarded a copy of your post to a Professor friend that teaches at UdeM. She will get back to me ASAP. When I brought it up to her she was just as surprised as I, to learn that someone is suggesting that the faculty at the University are training students to become ACTIVE ARMED MILITIA.”




    “This is not debating. Correcting inaccuracies in false claims is not debate.”


  43. Hungry for the Truth….
    August 12, 2013 at 4:39 pm

    aka (lives for lies)
    I thought you were not gonna get involved unless it involved Cornwall’s unfair hiring policies?

    That’s alright we understand where you stand even though you really are not interested in the truth but to push for the AGENDA.

  44. edudyorlik
    August 12, 2013 at 11:52 pm

    Such brilliant logic you offer hftT? I am surprised Stella didn’t give you one of her “nose up your butt standing ovations” for that one.

    Funny how you most often neglect ANYTHING that doesn’t fit your arguments.


    Richard tremblay
    August 13, 2013 at 7:04 am

    Why are french rights in Ontario more important that english rights in Quebec?
    – are apples more important then oranges ? You’re comparing two different things.

    Richard she was not comparing two different things in fact it is of equal comparisons considering each are a minority within a majority landscape.
    the only exception is that Ontario is willing to extend courtesy to the minority french wherebyQuebec will not for The English minority.

    so bella’s question: Is very valid.
    Why are french rights in Ontario more important that english rights in Quebec?

  45. Hungry for the Truth….
    August 13, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    “I’m so glad to see you say that you also never read his rants. I was beginning to think I was the only one.”

    Well folks there it is that open mindedness …..ya does not surprise us ,but let me say this :I remain open-minded read opposing views and postings even your written diarrhea-lives for lives (AKA-hungry).

    Now Edudyorlik do you ignore Lives for lies written Diarrhea ?

  46. highlander August 14, 2013 at 8:44 am

    “I thought you were not gonna get involved unless it involved Cornwall’s unfair hiring policies?”


    Hungry for the Truth…. August 12, 2013 at 12:50 pm

    Highlander WHO CREATES LIES….in a skirt, did you or did you not make a public accusation and assertion that “Les Jeunes Patriotes du Quebec” was in fact an armed militia group?

    Highlander August 10, 2013 at 4:57 pm

    “(they have a armed militia for the defense of Quebec)in fact have issued death threats to English activists there .”

    When in fact they are not ARMED MILITIA. They are a Separatist rights activist group associated to la Societe St Jean Baptiste. They are not ARMED MILITIA as you accused them of being.

    As for my decision. I said I would not get involved in any debates that would not advance the cause of unfair hiring practices in Cornwall.

    This is not debating. Correcting inaccuracies in false claims is not debate.

    highlander August 14, 2013 at 8:44 am
    “That’s alright we understand where you stand even though you really are not interested in the truth but to push for the




    Are you going to debate something soon or are you just going to continue your senseless insults.



    highlander wrote: Why are french rights in Ontario more important that english rights in Quebec?


    iT IS A FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION. Not surprising you would ask such a silly question. Of course the freedom fighters think this is true because in their warped minds they truly believe they are being treated badly. Yep Canada is a terrible place to live. If you want to dictate and rule…move to the Middle East.


    Had to make it rhyme **smile**

  48. Yes Highlander, and here I thought hftT would help out with his obviously brilliant research skills in digging up “the skinny” on these bozos — Mario Beaulieu and that other loser Jean-Paul Perriault from that Franco elitist website called Imperatif Francais. (Yeah, we get it French imperative uh huh. As if that doesn’t say IT ALL)

    These guys want to stop providing English in the medical clinics and hospitals. Not that there is a whole lot of it now but…

    And, i am sure if you asked, they would say they wish to stamp out English in ALL OF CANADA COMPLETELY.

    Ya know Highlander, it occurs to me … When the French and those “good — majority — people” – try — to defend these atrocities and the downright unconstitutional BS cr@p that is going on in the province of Quebec right now by using the old and — VERY WORN OUT — EXCUSE …
    “oh, it’s only a few radicals that are causing all these problems” –

    I have to say, I don’t buy it anymore. This BS has been going on for far too damn long now. C’mon, it’s been over 30 years now and let’s be frank about this. If these so called “tiny minority” a-holes were the cause of all of the “anti everything” laws and attitude coming from “the French and the province of Quebec” then one would think that the so called “majority French people” who are looking so damn bad in the eyes of the rest of Canada — and the rest of the world — as a result of that “tiny minority” would stand up against these “minority” losers, denounce there agenda and re-take their province. Nest pas?

    But no, somehow — a people who are known to be strong and to stand up against this kind of thing – DO NOTHING. And they have been doing nothing regarding this so called “tiny minority” take-over of the province for how long now?

    We see all the same faces all the time. These losers (along with a few other “common ones”) keep popping up in every situation where the French are “sticking it to the English and minorities in Quebec” yet again.

    It’s time to act. The majority “good French people” can no longer hide behind the excuse (and frankly most Canadians are fed up with swallowing THAT EXCUSE ALSO.

    All we have to do is say NO…
    You cannot use that excuse anymore. It just IS NO LONGER AN ACCEPTABLE, VALID EXCUSE.

    What then? Would the French act and rid that area of those “tiny minority” idiots?

    Would that be the fix? Would Quebec then become a loving, kind, sharing, equal rights great place to visit and live?

    I know Stella and hftT don’t read my posts so I don’t expect ANY RESPONSE from them here but 🙂

    Perhaps, who knows.
    Imagine if it were possible. Remove the “tiny minority trouble makers” and this whole issue goes away. Wow !! We then move forward as “Canadians” A TEAM with a common goal and common love for our country – Canada —

    Oh, but wait… There in lays the REAL problem folks. There seems to be a larger mass of people who are not such a minority. That’s right, many Quebecers (French folk) don’t want to be so called “Canadians”. Well, not in the same way the rest of us are… These folk pledge allegiance to “a different flag… yes, that’s right… “The fleur de lys.”

    AND THAT, — is what we must figure out ASAP —

    Perhaps it is this “inseparability of what road the French wish to take” that is the answer in an odd way.

    Perhaps it is the reason why this country (and the people) are better off if we can find a way to divide in peaceful fair way. A French land — and an English land.

    And, as it has been said before… We can then all respect each other for our differences instead of trying to coexist while pushing “our ways” ONTO EACH OTHER.

    The French say it all the time. “WE ARE DIFFERENT.” And it’s true. WE ARE DIFFERENT.

    I know. I have half French blood in me, and half English blood in me so I literally feel both issues and understand both sides tugging at me.

    Maybe IT IS TIME.

    It’s certainly time to lay to rest that old, tired and worn out
    “it is only a few radicals” excuse. That’s for sure.”


    Let’s, as they say, accept that there are things “we cannot change” and work with those WE CAN.


  49. @ Highlander.

    Lol Hahahahahaha… What a joke!!

    It’s pretty obvious that hftT was just “stroking” his little BN admirer in saying that.

    But that’s fine. I have a feeling he realizes just how stupid that “concept is” but at the same time he also knows

    “the one” he is directing his

    “hey kiddo, aren’t we a great team”

    comment at … DOESN’T

    Highlander asked, “Now Edudyorlik do you ignore Lives for lies written Diarrhea ?”

    NO WAY Highlander.
    I read every word. My mother always told me.
    Keep your friend close, and your enemies EVEN CLOSER.

    Or, as someone else once said, “KNOW THINE ENEMY.”
    humm, wasn’t that Jesus? 😉

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