HST will make life less affordable for Cornwall families Toronto ON – Cornwall residents shouldn’t be fooled by the cheery talk Revenue Minister John Wilkinson used when he was in Cornwall on Thursday (April 15) to portray his government’s Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). The HST is a bad deal for OntarioContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Would you like the Poutine Eating Champion of the World.    A sanctioned Poutine eating contest is being held in Toronto as opposed to Quebec, the home of Poutine. LINK Quebec government rules and regulations on entering contests and sweepstakes are stringent and demanding, including long preparationContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Bad news for Toyota as 870,000 Toyota Sienna, including ours, have been recalled. LINK Toyota Canada said Friday the voluntary recall affects 270,000 two-wheel-drive Siennas from the 1998-2010 model years. “Toyota Canada is asking owners of affected vehicles to bring their vehicles to their local dealership forContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – It was an evening for a squaring of affairs.   All those upsets from the first night of the play-offs were responded to. Pittsburgh edged Ottawa 2-1 in a gritty game.  Kudos to the Sens for keeping it so close in spite of missing two of theirContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Minister of Revenue and MPP for Perth Wellington John Wilkinson was in Cornwall Ontario Thursday April 15th to discuss the impact of the upcoming implementation of the HST. The hotly discussed and debated tax has Ontario residents concerned of its impact, and Minister Wilkinson toured businesses inContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Provincial NDP leader Andrea Horwath will be on Seawayradio.com Monday April 19th discussing the HST and things NDP.    Show time is 12:30 PM and Ms Horwath should be on about 1PM. You never know who’ll be on Seawayradio.com – Cornwall and Canada’s Community Radio station! RememberContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The second Rock for Charity is Friday April 16th 2010 @ Cafe Connectionz in Cornwall Ontario – All Ages/6:30pm load-in/7pm music starts/$5. Bands/Musicans playing acoustic sets: -Lost in Production (featuring Gregory Floyd Poapst, Denis Andre, Brendan Mason) http://www.myspace.com/dieinruins -Winston Marley (featuring Marc Brault, Joel Plamondon) http://www.myspace.com/winstonmarleymusic -JasonContinue Reading

A Concert for Peace, but a message of hope to all Veterans Across Canada! Cornwall ON – When I heard of Chorus Novus Concert for Peace that will be held in Dedication of the Veterans which will take place on April 18, 2010 at Nativity Church on Montreal Road inContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – In life you must always support your friends.    My good amigo Ian Thuillier just directed a new documentary released on RTE in Ireland. Ladies and Gentlemen; Gavin Friday ….has recently been shown, and I have found a You Tube clip.  If you love music; especially bandsContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Ottawa Senators surprised the Stanley Cup Defending Champion Pittsburgh Penguins beating them 5-4 in regulation time.  The Sens out shot the Penguins 26-21 in an example of Grit overcoming Guile as Ottawa’s grinders and character guys led the way. Chris Neil, Chris Kelly, and Jarkko RuutuContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff probably played a lot of Twister in school.   He swiveled his position on new Quebec proposals to essentially implement user fees.   Quebec of all of the provinces have been doing their own swiveling on medical services with private offerings such asContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Cornwall Ontario City Councilor André Rivette is one proud Papa.   We uncovered this Video Clip of his daughter Tracey performing with Bishop’s University Choir rendering of the Aretha Franklin song “How I Got Over”. Tracey is in the second last row to the right of your screenContinue Reading

Dear Sir: Today I received, in my mailbox, yet another Guy Lauzon scam newsletter.  This latest scam is entitled “Getting Things Done For SDSG”. It is an 11 inches by 16 inches printed paper containing four pages of gobble-de-gook and of course the mandatory photograph of our less than competent member ofContinue Reading