Cornwall ON – Today for lunch at the Agapé food bank the menu du jour was a vegetable soup, some cooked ham, scalloped potatoes, some white bread with hydrogenated margarine, coffee, and cold rice pudding.   For $1 it’s a deal.  Many of the packed room eating didn’t have toContinue Reading

Towards a Greener Ontario – Provincial Government Supports New Solar Technologies by Richard Komorowski Cornwall ON – The Ontario Government today announced that it is supporting Morgan Solar Inc. to the tune of $1.86 million to help the company start commercial production of new, highly innovative solar electricity generating panels. TheContinue Reading

The cracks are starting to show. Cornwall ON – MPs from all parties are really feeling the heat from voters over the refusal of the Board of Internal Economy to open MPs books to an audit by Sheila Fraser. Cracks are starting to appear in the ranks of our MPs,Continue Reading

The Honourable Deb Matthews, Ontario Minister of Health & Long Term Care, Queen’s Park,  Toronto, Ontario. 17 May, 2010 Ref: The Pharmaceutical Professional Allowance Furore Dear Minister: This is an open letter to you and all others who may have become embroiled in this issue.  To commence I do believeContinue Reading

(advertisement) Cornwall ON – You’ve seen all those ads on TV to sell your old gold, but check out how little they really give you.   Stay local and get better value.  Visit André Pommier today at Pommier Jewellers, 6 Second Street East in Downtown Cornwall Ontario and see just howContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The 7th Cornwall and District Men’s Fastball League season begins Thursday night (May 20th) at King George Park. Each club in the four team league plays 18 games divided between Tuesday and Thursday nights at the fabled ball park at the corner of Seventh and York Streets.Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – There are media reports that the Auditor General in Nova Scotia has called in the RCMP to investigate four former members and one sitting member of the Nova Scotia legislature. No surprise then that our federal MPs turned tail and ran at even the suggestion that SheliaContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Cornwall City Councilor Mark MacDonald isn’t too pleased with the proposed increase in Cornwall Ontario City Councilors salaries by 36.8%.   He’s so incensed that he’s started a facebook page to foster opposition to the proposal. Next Tuesday night, the 25th, is showdown at City Council overContinue Reading