Ontario Provincial Police News Portal OPP Media Release STORMONT DUNDAS and GLENGARRY DRIVER IDENTIFIED IN FATAL MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION (update) 2016-09-29 DRIVER IDENTIFIED IN FATAL MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION (update) (South Stormont) – On September 28, 2016 at approximately 8:44pm, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers respondedContinue Reading

Did you know that there is a nation-wide quilt drive happening right now to benefit the families affected by the Fort McMurray wildfire? Neither did I… Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Monique Wilson. Monique is our local Canadian Quilters Association representative who is collecting quilts from our areaContinue Reading

75,297 Unique Visitors 173,159 (2.29 visits/visitor) 1,375,977 (7.94 Pages/Visit) (CFN monthly traffic for March 2016 ) Can you imagine if your organization, business, or service had that exposure? Are you paying ridiculous amounts of money on the region for far less results? I bet you are. There is only one media sourceContinue Reading

Beatrice brand Chocolate Partly Skimmed Milk 1% M.F. recalled due to presence of sanitizer. Starting date: March 11, 2016 Type of communication: Recall Alert sub-type: Notification Subcategory: Chemical Hazard classification: Class 3 Source of recall: Canadian Food Inspection Agency Recalling firm: Parmalat Canada Inc. Distribution: Ontario, Quebec Extent of theContinue Reading

What better way to reach your much needed work force than a full page ad on CFN?    Your poster, text, photos, and even embedded video, all hot linked to your web presence, and indexed to search engines!! Your page stays active for up to one full year! We reach keyContinue Reading

Going into this season Habs GM Marc Bergevin made very few impact changes.   Washington for example, clearly saw a need for some secondary scoring support and nabbed TJ Oshie, and Justin Williams. Montreal saw some lottery tickets.    Alex Semin, Zach Kassian, and Tomas Fleischman.     While “Flash”Continue Reading

The Cornwall Free News is looking to share our platform with more writers, photographers, videographers, and artists this year. Do you have a burning passion about a subject or your community? If you want exposure what better place?  If you want a soapbox where your voice will be heard thisContinue Reading