CFN – The Concerned Citizens Coalition will be holding another public meeting on Monday February 4, starting at 6:30 pm, at the McConnell Manor.  The purpose of the meeting will be to further the cause of making sure the General Hospital be used for the benefit of seniors in this area.Continue Reading

CFN – Ms Clement spoke Saturday night after Ms Wynne’s victory over Sandra Pupatello and said she isn’t confirming that she’ll run to be the candidate here in SD&SG in the upcoming provincial election, but was very elated at Ms Wynne’s Victory. Also on the transition team are Ms Wynne’sContinue Reading

CFN –  We now officially know the names of the 30 member steering committee asking Cornwall & the Counties for $75K to do a feasibility study that the province requested before considering to support a university in Cornwall Ontario.  I wrote about this last week and about why I thought it wasContinue Reading

Unclear if local border crossing will be Interrupted Monday January 28 2013 is a worldwide day of solidarity for Idle No More participants, with rallies planned for Parliament Hill and a number of communities in several countries including Canada and the United States. According to a January 10 post onContinue Reading

CFN – A group of esteemed local citizens will be appearing before Cornwall Ontario city council, hat in hand, asking for the City to kick in $50,000 to help research the concept of having a University in Cornwall Ontario on Monday night. I hope that our council, especially during thisContinue Reading

CFN – Glen Rasmussen graduated U of T in 1977 and the Canadian Chiropractic College in 1981. He had bought his practice the year before from Dr. Jim MacDonald, who had moved to Australia. He hired his senior intern as the treating doctor, to run his practice until his graduationContinue Reading