Thanks to our current and new sponsors we’ve been able to upgrade our web hosting service.  So if you notice the site loading a tad faster it’s thanks to you viewing and inspiring these businesses and services to invest in our community newspaper’s future! Keep up the good work andContinue Reading

So I was talking with Cornwall City Councilor Dennis Carr last week, who btw, is a great guy to talk to, especially if you are talking about Cornwall and its future, or Golf. The man has vision as we poured over some of the plans on his desk.    It’s notContinue Reading

This shot was taken from Second Street by Cornwall BBQ.    You can see how far traffic is backed up.     How much weight can this bridge carry in a traffic jam.   It’s much different than when vehicles are moving. Is it time to get this mess fixed or do we waitContinue Reading

Hi Cornwall and the World.    We know that many of you read this paper every day so we want your input as we’re looking at doing a makeover in the not so distant future. What features, colors, and options would you like to see.   We’re a community Newspaper so nowContinue Reading