I like to listen to CBC radio while I’m at work during the day.   Well yesterday Billy Bob Thornton made CBC a little bit more interesting. Looked like ol Billy Bob was upset about the CBC’s smoking rules or just forgot to take his Prozac that morning, or is justContinue Reading

If they keep winning they can’t miss the play-offs.    This seems to be clicking with the Habs whose veterans led the way to their 5-1 romp over the Isles.     They also outshot them 33-29 which is how to do IT! Big Dawg, Alex Kovalev led the way with 3 helpersContinue Reading

I predict that as long as the Habs outshoot their oppenents good things will happen.  It did last night.  Even they they spent more time in the box than the Hawks Cristobal Huet’s return to Montreal ended in a 4-1 victory for the Bleu, Blanc, et Rouge. Alex Kovalev scoredContinue Reading

I know we don’t have a Hardee’s here in Canada, but if we did would this commercial get your burger lovin’ butt down to it? httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzwxmy1TWNM&feature=player_embedded please visit our sponsors:Continue Reading

Yes, they said it couldn’t happen; the Habs actually outshot a team (36-19).   They won too thanks to goals by Alex Kovalev, Saku Koivu, and Guillaume Latendresse. Of course Tampa isn’t that great a team this year, but a win is a win, especially in a Cup hunt. Congrats toContinue Reading