The pandemic has changed every aspect of our everyday life, from work to entertainment. Although it might be slowly getting back to how it was before, some things will change for good. These alterations are the result of necessity, habits or simply preferences. In many cases, we will prefer toContinue Reading

FEBRUARY 20, 2022 – February is Heart Month. It is a time for not only fundraising but also to raise awareness of the heart and stroke problems which can be of a higher risk for individuals with an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, unhealthy weight, smoking, stress and excessive use ofContinue Reading

January 23, 2022 – Kudos to Geoff Molson. The Jeff Gorton & Kent Hughes hires feel good. As someone that was the Habs first Analytics guy and video statographer back in the 90’s it’s great to see the team finally take some strong steps forward with a clear focus toContinue Reading