Cornwall Ontario –   The NDP sent out a release about a shocking incident.   A man in Sudbury was said to be forced to spend 13 days in a hospital bathroom!  The fact that the man was a senior is scary. Here is their abbreviated release below: Gélinas says patient keptContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – Some retired men apparently have a much harder time coping with the change in their lives, according to an article in the March 2018 issue of Good Times Magazine. The article on “Helping Men Cope with Retirement” by Wendy Haaf quotes Lyndsay Green, Sociologist and authorContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – School Bus Cancellations? We didn’t have to worry about that when I was growing up. There weren’t any school buses. We walked everywhere despite snowy or rainy weather. Schools were open, so away we went. You would see two streams of kids on either side ofContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – Santa Claus is coming to town very soon and bringing lots of toys. I have it on good authority from two little angels in a store. …two little girls about four and six. I don’t know if their Mom heard them because she was busy reading someContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – Some friends were discussing the old days when they frequented The New York Cafe on Pitt Street and how much they still missed it. Besides great food and a good variety of it, they also mentioned that when you went into the restaurant the staff knewContinue Reading

To all the Alumni Graduates of the Cornwall General Hospital School of Nursing, RNA CGH Alumni and the Hotel Dieu Hospital School of Nursing: We will be putting together a book of nursing memories – your memories and mine . We will need short articles from the Alumni Graduates toContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – The tenants of Beek Lindsay Seniors Residence are having a Thanksgiving Food Drive to aid the Trinity Anglican Church Food Cupboard. They also collect food for the Food Cupboard at Christmas and Easter as well. Kudos for caring about people less fortunate. This autographed photo ofContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – Ed Lauzon recently treated the residents of Beek Lindsay Seniors Residence and their friends to a wonderful concert. His son, Ed. Jr accompanied him which made it even more enjoyable. It was a fun filled evening of listening,   singing and in some cases, dancing toContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – Some people are friendlier and more considerate than others.  Some make good neighbors, and then there seems to be one Natalie B Trottier, a lawyer with Federal Crown Tilton T Donihee, the local law firm that purchased Diane Lahaie’s old practice after she became a judge. WhereContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – These lovely sunny days remind me of some camping trips with the Trinity Church Girl Guide Company. Here is a photo from 1956 when we were camping in Plattsburg, NY. From left to right: Frances Glass- Irwin, behind her is Bev Heward, me.. stirring a potContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – If you wanted to see some gorgeous seniors, you should have been at the Royal Canadian Legion on the evening of June 16th. The occasion was the Annual Alumni Dinner of the Cornwall General Hospital School of Nursing. Celebrating 50 years was the Graduating Class ofContinue Reading