JUNE 13, 2022 – Patrick Brown’s comment that he wouldn’t run for the Conservatives if Poilievre was the leader was quite frankly dumb. From a strategic viewpoint he gains nothing,first round but loses a lot. He comes across as a bit of a sore loser and he hasn’t even lostContinue Reading

May 21, 2022 – Cornwall is starting to reel at the loss of a critical health service. The McConnell walk in clinic, situated right next to the hospital, is shutting down leaving thousands of area residents at a loss for healthcare and surely what will add more pressure to hospitalContinue Reading

May 17, 2022 – I was tweeting today that there were more of we media and pundits watching the leadership debate last night than viewers. Ol Steve Paikin & the incredibly hot Althia Raj moderated a motley mess which showed how truly putrid our leadership is across the board, andContinue Reading

ASSAULT/RESIST ARREST, UTTER THREATS, MISCHIEF  Cornwall, ON – Robert Cadieux, 55, of Cornwall was arrested on May 9th, 2022, and charged with assault with intent to resist arrest, uttering threats, and mischief under $5000. While police were present on an unrelated matter, it is alleged that on May 9th, 2022, the manContinue Reading

April 4, 2022 – Sadly I work in a town that has been #covid derelict since day one. Part of it is our $400K man Paul Roumeliotis who refused to have Covid laws enforced, and allowed Randy Hillier to have multiple rallies on the grounds of our local health unit.Continue Reading

April 4, 2022 – For many of us struggling through Covid in Ontario it feels like the Ford Government secretly supports the Randy Hillier crowd. Horrible take back of mask mandates as a sixth wave of a World Wide pandemic that has killed over 5 million people and you can’tContinue Reading

March 28, 2022 – The Ottawa Police Service has arrested and charged Randall HILLIER, 64 years old, of Perth, Ontario. Hillier is the Member of Provincial Parliament for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston.  In February, Ottawa Police received multiple complaints about social media posts and other activities of an individual as part of theContinue Reading

March 1, 2022 – Recovery Care is working with Cornwall Community Hospital’s (CCH) Community Addiction and Mental Health Services to improve access to addictions care for vulnerable or underserved areas in Cornwall by launching a new mobile clinic. The mobile clinic will provide individuals a variety of services under one roof,Continue Reading