Are you flushing precious resources down the drain? I had to examine this question after reading Mr. Komorowski’s article on the water meter question a while back. Mr. Komorowski suggested that local government consider a program to subsidize low flow toilets before looking at purchasing and installing water meters toContinue Reading

Let’s Get Cornwall On Board! Attention Cornwallites, the city has a chance to become apart of game board history. A media release came out today stating that Hasbro the maker of Monopoly is making a new “Canadian edition.” Unfortunately Cornwall did not make the initial list of 65 who areContinue Reading

LAUZON – Prorogation: What and Why “There has been a lot of discussion about our government’s decision to prorogue the current session of Parliament. Prorogation is a Parliamentary procedure that is part of the House of Commons’ rules that allows the government of the day to end the current sessionContinue Reading

Conan O’Brien is a very funny man in a very odd situation.   He’s spent years working to get where he is and is feeling like a victim, which he probably is, of his networks mismanagement. His big beef, and one that he’s bringing out the lawyers for, is theContinue Reading

Significant Contraband Tobacco Seizures Made by RCMP and Law Enforcement Partners (Cornwall, Ontario -Monday January 11th, 2010) –  The following details are seizures made by the Cornwall RCMP Detachment from January 4th, 2010 to January 11th, 2010. A total of 5,250 re-sealable bags of contraband cigarettes, 700 cartons of littleContinue Reading

Mark McGwire has finally admitted to being a big cheater; chiefly because he wants to return to baseball as a coach. Baseball has been the most hypocritical of professional sports.  Especially when it comes to performance enhancing drugs. It’s resurgence because of juiced up players; human beings who’s SKULLS freakingContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario City Councilor Mary Ann Hug was not a happy woman last night. She wasn’t happy with the report from city administration regarding Richmond Drive and scored point after point addressing issues like noise pollution; diesel fumes, flying rocks and small debris in addition to the blasting, and rumblingContinue Reading