CFN – With the closing of No Frills at the Square, many seniors living in the area were wondering how they would manage to get groceries. I remember one lady who lived in a Senior’s Residence telling me that she would walk to the Square with her walker and getContinue Reading

  CORNWALL Ontario – A wonderful senior will be celebrating his 90th. birthday on June 24th. He is a Navy Veteran, Sonny (Richard) Herrington. . Apparently when our Grandfather Herrington first held Sonny for the first time as a baby, Sonny smiled at him, probably with a toothless cute littleContinue Reading

CFN – June is Seniors’ month. A nice way to honour it is to celebrate with some wonderful seniors. There were a lot of seniors at the Legion Friday night celebrating. It was our annual Cornwall General Hospital Alumni dinner. The Class of 1964 celebrated fifty years.   Attending forContinue Reading

CFN – October 1st. will be National Seniors’ Day and also United Nations International Day of Older Persons. June was “Seniors’ Month” and there were many articles in the media about seniors. At the Villa there was a bulletin board with a salute to the many characteristics of seniors. IContinue Reading

CFN – A few friends and I were reminiscing about the past. . It was brought on because we were wondering where young people go to dance today. , And also where anyone dances today. None of us know much about the bars and if you can dance in them.Continue Reading

CFN – Canadian Association of Retired Persons (C.A.R.P.), offers many benefits to its members. Founded more than 25 years ago, it is a non-profit non-partisan association for people 45+ of age. Their magazine, Zoomer, describes CARP as promoting and protecting the interests, rights and quality of life as this ageContinue Reading