Victoria BC – Mr. D.J. Skinner of Victoria, British Columbia wants Canadians to participate in the Government’s Beyond Border Working Group.   Here is his Letter to the Editor: Thank you for the opportunity to provide input regarding the proposed border management Plan. There are many aspects of border managementContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Schools are controlled by school boards, hospitals are controlled by hospital boards and that is where we must start our close look at what is happening in our Cornwall Community Hospital.  We must start with the hospital board for this hospital board appears to be functioning as a typical Cornwall parochialContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Much has transpired over the last week or so…particularly with the challenges that Japan are dealing with at this moment in time.  It is difficult to understand why some face such paramount challenges and others do not. One thing is certain…seeing the challenges that many face aroundContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – As I watch events unfold in Libya it’s like watching the movie Scarface.    Oliver Stone wrote the script which was directed by Brian DiPalma and in which Al Pacino will probably be more remembered than for his role in The Godfather. Lines like “Say Hello toContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – The election war drums are beating, sounding louder with each passing day as partisan political staffs on all sides work themselves into a frenzy. Every 10 second clip for their leader or spokesperson is cheered as a great victory, media stories are combed for new attack anglesContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – You asked me for an editorial on the nuclear thing. You know what. I’ve tried a few pages. I am way too angry and mad to write something I can live with. My contempt for Parliament, the Kremlin and The White House is a burden. We gotContinue Reading

Dear Sir: Once upon a time there were two visible despots in the Middle East, Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi.  The scene changed when Britain and the USA, against world opinion, willfully took out Saddam Hussein.  But what is a despot?  ‘A ruler with total power, especially one who uses it inContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – On Wednesday the Committee on Procedure and House Affairs will begin reviewing the two recent referrals on privilege from the Speaker. This includes both the request for financial documents and the one concerning Bev Oda. Both provide our elected representatives with an opportunity to flex their muscles andContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – South Nation Conservation is reminding all ice fisherman in the area to remove their garbage and debris when removing their fishing huts or deserting their favourite fishing hole for the season.  All fishing huts must be removed by the 15th of March.  Communication Specialist Gord Shaver fromContinue Reading

I am a country girl, and CEO of a company in Embrun, who pays substantial personal, property and corporate taxes. I am responding to Mr. Van Dusen’s article about the wolf and coyote cull and  would like to add my voice to the animal activists and ratepayers who are defendingContinue Reading

Dear Editor Re:  PM comes to defence of attack aircraft, Terry Pender,  Mar 12 2011–pm-comes-to-defence-of-attack-aircraft The F-35 purchase will no doubt create high-tech jobs, but so would many other government expenditures totaling between $16 to $30 billion.  But why are we spending this enormous sum through an untendered contractContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – Yesterday the Speaker of the House of Commons made two important rulings, one of which will have a long term impact on how parliament works. While opposition politicians have scored a victory they shouldn’t get too excited just yet. True, they do have ammunition for an electionContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – As election rhetoric heats up we are being flooded by ads on TV for Canada’s Economic Action Plan.   Like most propaganda it’s pushing a lot of buttons, but is there any substance to this plan? For most Canadians the answer is a resounding no.   Sure,Continue Reading

Ottawa ON – The latest rumour de jour is that the Liberals will try a snap nonconfidence motion before the Conservatives can deliver their budget. This is an interesting thought, but it is very high risk. Such a move reflects the desperation of the Liberals to try to get backContinue Reading