Cornwall ON – There’s a lot of spin right now and it’s as choppy as the waves bringing that BP oil to American and possibly Canadian shores. BP is spending a lot of money maneurvering search engines and media as they try and spin the story to minimize the impactContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Keith Beardsley has been writing up a storm as things are hopping in Ottawa!  Here’s a double dose of his View from the Hill! With all the clamour over the G8/G20 media centres lake, pond, pool or whatever you want to call it, one thing has beenContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – BC Provincial Green Party candidate and Activist Jodie Emery will be the first guest of Marina Restinetti’s premiere episode of The Vagina Hour!   The show starts Tuesday nights this June 8th at 7 PM. For more on Ms Emery you can click HERE.Continue Reading

MOHAWK COUNCIL OF AKWESASNE WANTS SUBSTANTIVE TALKS WITH CBSA TO BEGIN AKWESASNE MOHAWK TERRITORY, — When CBSA closed the crossing through Cornwall Island on May 31, 2009, the Mohawks and the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) agreed to form a Task Force on how to find long term solutions to the problemsContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The chaos that erupted at the Government Operations committee yesterday reflects badly on all parliamentarians. Anyone who watches the whole video will be left wondering why we elected these MPs in the first place. John Baird can be a fine parliamentary performer and his award yesterday asContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Sun Media reports today that some $19.3 million were spent by bureaucrats on meetings leading up to the G8 and G20. Some of it will astound you. For instance, besides Ottawa, DFAIT had 156 contracts for prep meetings in Victoria, Calgary, Yellowknife and Quebec City. In Ottawa,Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – If you love local music you’ll want to be at Liberalpalooza.   Graham Greer, The Trench Town Oddities, Sara Murphy, Joel Sauve, and Melanie and the General Electryk will be LIVE!   The fund raiser hosted by the friends of Bernadette Clement  and The Federal Liberal RidingContinue Reading

A Stronger Canada Pension Plan For your entire career you work hard and build a good life for your family. Every Pay cheque, your deductions include a small amount that is tucked away in your public pension plan. When retirement comes, you expect to be able to live in dignity with some measureContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Mr. Harper wasn’t in Question Period leaving John Baird, his little pit bull, to match wits with Michael Ignatieff, Jack Layton and the rest of Parliament. LINK And Nova Scotia Liberal MP Scott Brison listed off what else $1-billion would buy: “…500 MRI machines or 340,000 hipContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Boy Mr. Harper loves a good fight and he’s a scrapper like Mr. Chretien there, on the left, only he’s not as smart as the man from Shawinigan.  I’d love to play poker with the man one night. For months now Mr. Harper’s team have been pushingContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Today marks the one year anniversary of the Seaway International Bridge Crisis.   On May 31st, at approximately 11:PM Canada Border & Security Agents left their posts at the behest of the Harper Government leading to a 42 day bridge closure. Fast forward to today, the 1stContinue Reading