Cornwall ON – Jack Layton ripped into Michael Ignatieff clearly showing strong leadership in trying to force changes to the upcoming Conservative budget. LINK “The opposition has the opportunity to do some tough bargaining with Mr. Harper right now,” Mr. Layton told The Canadian Press. “But for that to happen,Continue Reading

BRIDGING THE CHASM letter to the Editor by John Milnes Cornwall ON – Our Member of Parliament, Guy Lauzon, and his Conservative play-pals must soon get their act together.  Are they still studying how to construct a low level bridge?  Someone should mutter in their ears many low level bridges have beenContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Ignatieff shifts like sand blowing in the wind when it comes to the Auditor General auditing MPs books. While publicly stating that the Board of Internal economy should meet with Sheila Fraser to resolve the audit issue, we learn that internally, Iggy is asking his MPs notContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We’re talking Accoutability this afternoon on – We expect some surprise guests and of course you can dial in and have your word! Community radio live from Cornwall Ontario!   Our phone numbers are :1 (646) 595-4982, 1 (877) 217-3932 and of course you can alwaysContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The recent announcement by Jay Hill, the Government House Leader, that ministerial staffers will no longer appear before committees, opens up a Pandora’s Box of potential issues. The first issue of course is who is supreme? Is it Parliament as represented by its MPs on committees orContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – It should be fun at Council this Tuesday.    City Councilor Mark MacDonald has organized a Facebook page and movement protesting the possibility that the Council will give themselves a 36.8% salary increase. Very few of the councilors I’ve spoken with over the last week have beenContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – So it looks like I’ll be shooting a documentary here in the area over the next year.   It’s going to be a political odyssey.    I’ve been asked to run for office, and the official announcement should be coming out in June with specific details. I’ve doneContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – While MPs of all parties continue to stonewall the public on the Auditor General’s request to audit Parliament, pressure continues to mount on them. Most MPs still don’t get it. This is one issue the public can understand and no amount of spin from our MPs orContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Cornwall City Council has scrapped a gym project’s funding so as to be able to pass those dollars onto St. Lawrence College.    Funding that was being mightily aided by both Provincial and Federal funding.  Meetings recently saw both issues debated and voted on. LINK 1 FollowingContinue Reading

The cracks are starting to show. Cornwall ON – MPs from all parties are really feeling the heat from voters over the refusal of the Board of Internal Economy to open MPs books to an audit by Sheila Fraser. Cracks are starting to appear in the ranks of our MPs,Continue Reading

The Honourable Deb Matthews, Ontario Minister of Health & Long Term Care, Queen’s Park,  Toronto, Ontario. 17 May, 2010 Ref: The Pharmaceutical Professional Allowance Furore Dear Minister: This is an open letter to you and all others who may have become embroiled in this issue.  To commence I do believeContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – There are media reports that the Auditor General in Nova Scotia has called in the RCMP to investigate four former members and one sitting member of the Nova Scotia legislature. No surprise then that our federal MPs turned tail and ran at even the suggestion that SheliaContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Cornwall City Councilor Mark MacDonald isn’t too pleased with the proposed increase in Cornwall Ontario City Councilors salaries by 36.8%.   He’s so incensed that he’s started a facebook page to foster opposition to the proposal. Next Tuesday night, the 25th, is showdown at City Council overContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –  All three major Federal parties are refusing the Auditor General’s request to audit the expense accounts of MP’s.  A total of almost half a BILLION Dollars.  The only Federalist Party supporting this issue is the Green Party under leader Elizabeth May and the Bloc Quebecois under GillesContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We now know where our MPs stand on being open and accountable. The Board of Internal Economy has rejected a request by the Auditor General to look at their expenses. Am I the only one who thinks that smells? This is the 21st Century, not the 18thContinue Reading