In life people make mistakes. Smart ones clean them up or mitigate them. For Comic book store owner Randy Sauve his recipe seems to be to pour gasoline on the fire and raise the rhetoric which has resulted in him being sued for defamation. There’s 3 part test for DefamContinue Reading

The Fraser Institute have come out with a report that shows donations to charities across Canada, but especially in Ontario are down over 30% since 2006. Boggling though, right here in Cornwall, this newspaper has over $2,000.00 available in our charity fund. Local business and area people, who aren’t lookingContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – Justice Deborah Kinsella, who brought a Judge Judy pencil bag to trial,  gagged a case this writer covered.   Not only did she place a gag order on the plaintiff and defendant.  She put the same order on the witnesses.    While there is a reason to gagContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –   I’d like those of you that read this that actually care about the arts locally to think about this.  Digest it. Taste it like a fine wine please. The City of Cornwall, led by Mayor Bernadette Clement and “her girls” will spend about the same money thisContinue Reading


CFN started to get calls and messages early this morning stating that staff at Cornwall Square were let go.     The mall mysteriously was announced to be sold at a fire sale rate after previous announcements of part of it to be demolished and the mall repurposed.   Oddly enough theContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  And so it starts.   As predicted the latest council, gerrymandered by local unions and kool aid drinkers saw the first bite into them with Council barely responding to the water rates requested by City Management going up 4.07% This writer doesn’t dispute that the raise is needed. Continue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – I kinda giggled when I found out that there was a Canadian Francophone organisation locally.   Not because I disrespect Francophones, but this area has people like that silly man with his pins and of course Dianne Poirier, retired school teacher,  who besides being President of this localContinue Reading

Published by Stephanie MacRae Published on 2018-11-27 BREACH Cornwall, ON – A 28-year-old Akwesasne woman was arrested on November 26th, 2018 and charged with breach of undertaking for contacting and being within 100 metres of her boyfriend. It is alleged the woman breached her conditions on November 18th, 2018 when sheContinue Reading

Another year, another assault on Legion Park by the City of Cornwall. I can’t say that I am surprised. The consultant agency was directed by numerous City Staff to recommend moving the Park out to the Benson Centre. Cornwall Minor Baseball was grilled by the agency to support moving itContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  CFN like all media outlets needs revenue to survive.  Our original business model was to support local business at reasonable rates. In fact we didn’t have digital ads (like adsense) until the City initiated a conspiratorial boycott that impacted our roster of advertisers, many of whom wereContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  There’s a certain ignorance and nastiness in Cornwall that’s embodied in people like my former neighbor Randy Sauve. There’s no crime in not being bright or capable of running one’s life without baby bonus.  There is when you stalk and rant after people who can create andContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  It was a flawed election Monday night.   Clearly there was an issue with the electronic voting as the city’s website kept flashing to zero votes and then trickling in amounts. Electronic voting is hinky at best.   Stories have been done about kids hacking the system. For theContinue Reading

Dear Editor, On Friday October 26, 2018, Cornwall takes a giant leap… toward irrelevance. Bad enough the city lost its bus terminal years ago, or that VIA Rail is about to chop it from the Windsor-Quebec corridor, but now, a first nail is being driven into the Cornwall Regional AirportContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –   They say in 12 Step that you can’t truly start your recovery until you hit rock bottom. This 2018 election normally would be that rock bottom.  Time will tell if it’s so. A corrupt city management and council have essentially rigged the election.   All you have toContinue Reading