CFN – It should be no surprise that Ezra Levant would do anything he can to sabotage Ontario’s efforts to bring its economy into the twenty-first century. After all, it was Levant who invented the “Ethical Oil” myth, so he has an obligation to the Canadian Association of Petroleum ProducersContinue Reading

This is a letter sent by Scott Reid while in opposition in 2005 on gas prices outlining Harpers Plan to lower fuel prices but was never implemented once the Conservatives got elected. It is now time for the Harper government to act on these measures and for the media outletsContinue Reading

CFN – Medical Arts Pharmacy unveiled its new IDA/Rexall banner and corporate message: Where aging well means everything.  And within the context of celebrating the lives of some of the pharmacy’s longest-lived customers, joined forces with advocates and the RCMP to tackle the issue of elder abuse, saying many servicesContinue Reading

CFN –  Cornwall Ontario suffered a great loss today as Councilor Leslie O’Shaughnessy resigned from council a midst the strife and undertow of countless in camera meetings.   His voice was one of the strongest and loudest against the corruption the is rife at council and resulted in bloated amounts of moneyContinue Reading