December 6, 2020 – While there’s an internal struggle between sides who want Chief Danny Aikman to stay for a few more years and gender politics led by Mayor Clement pushing for Deputy Chief Shawna Spowart to take over, the simply reality is that the CPS is an expensive baubleContinue Reading

DECEMBER 5, 2020 – Anti Mask advocate & #covidiot Randy Hillier, sitting MPP of Perth, was steaming after his son was tasered by OPP in an infraction regarding the wearing of masks in a local pup in Perth. From the OPP TWO CHARGED AFTER DISTURBANCE IN DOWNTOWN PERTH (PERTH, ON) –Continue Reading

NOVEMBER 28, 2020 – So I went to Costco yesterday for the first time in over a decade. There wasn’t a huge line as it was early in the morning so I thought I’d chance it. I bought the high end membership took my cart and entered the store. EveryoneContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 27, 2020 – Finally, after numerous flagrant violations of Emergency Health orders regarding gatherings, wearing of masks, and social distancing, rampaging MPP Randy Hillier has finally been ticketed by police at Queen’s Park. MPP Hillier, part of a anti mask rally in Cornwall last Saturday that was supported byContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 21, 2020 – What a great town for really ignorant #covidiots to hold a rally. And hey, bring the kids and dogs, and don’t forget to go full Trump and leave them ol masks at home. You can’t make this up. No warnings issued by the EOHU, or theContinue Reading

November 20, 2020 – One would think a boutique that caters to children would be one of the safest shopping experiences during a World Wide pandemic, but for several shoppers in Cornwall Ontario who contacted this newspaper they were shocked and now want to go get Covid tests. Complaints ofContinue Reading

Choosing a casino game that doesn’t match your gambling expectations, you risk not only getting less pleasure from visiting the casino but also losing money. Therefore, you need to decide on the purpose of your stay at a casino. Someone comes to the casino to have a good time andContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 13, 2020 – It’s like telling a kid that if they don’t do what you tell them ABSOLUTELY nothing will be done to them. A stern looking Premier Ford and a scared in the headlights Christine Elliot finished their live press conference. There was much rending of garments, warnings,Continue Reading


NOVEMBER 13, 2020 – As we see COVID-19 numbers starting to spike with a long Winter ahead it’s time for the Ford Government to truly govern this pandemic. Some problems you can write a cheque to fix. Healthcare staff are limited. We only have so many and can only addContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 7, 2020 – I feel bad for the Cornwall Community Hospital Staff, at least those that don’t do smoke breaks out back without masks or social distancing. With little to no enforcement or fines issued, or appearance of inspections, even when cases occur at work places, we’re seeing casesContinue Reading

MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION – ROADWAY CLOSED NOVEMBER 4, 2020 – Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers are currently at the scene of a collision involving a truck and a horse and buggy on Fairview Drive in Avonmore, North Stormont Township. ROAD CLOSURE: Fairview Dr., Avonmore is closedContinue Reading