CFN – Many are rejoicing in la belle province this morning over the political destruction of one of the most destructive forces in Quebec Politics; one Madame Pauline Marois. She led her party to a complete defeat with the Liberal Party snatching 70 seats and a majority after she andContinue Reading

CFN – The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is closely following Quebec’s upcoming provincial election and the direction in which provincial leaders are proposing to go if they get into power.  The media has indicated a potential of a Quebec referendum to separate from Canada should the political power change in theContinue Reading

It’s Beat the Clock time again on CFN!   You have until Monday March 10 at NOON EST to grab this buy!  Great for Election Campaigns, your business, charity, event or organization.  You can purchase as many as you like as long as they are used during 2014.  Your choiceContinue Reading

Canadians for Coexistence presents: Interfaith Celebration Venue: Shaare Zedek Congregation, 5305 Rosedale Av., Montreal, QC. H4V 2H7 Date & Time: Sunday, March 9, 2014, at 1500 hours.  Canadians for Coexistence, have been actively involved against Bill 60 which, if passed, will no longer allow public sector employees to wear a hijab,Continue Reading

CFN– If Quebec Premier Pauline Marois and her Separatist friends are serious about a Spring snap election I would suggest that she call it an all or nothing call.   That a vote for her party is a vote clearly for separation and that if granted a majority government itContinue Reading

Anytime you go from 14.2 to 29.5 MILLION page views in one year it’s something to be proud of!   And that’s exactly what CFN has done thanks to you; our amazing viewers! And now it’s time for some of the numbers! Canadian traffic 88.7% US  8.23% Unique Visitors forContinue Reading

CFN –  We had so much fun with our first full page and banner deals that we’re having another one day sale on Corner banner ads on CFN! Especially important with the election season starting in Ontario! You get a 240×140 pixel banner for one month for only $149+HST! That’sContinue Reading