NOVEMBER 23, 2021 – The phrase, “One Day at a Time” can suddenly take on new meaning when we are battling a problem. Recently in August I was in the Cornwall Community Hospital for 3 weeks and underwent surgery. The staff in the ICU are angels…professional and very caring. IContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 8, 2021 – Learning that there are specialized sleep dentistry services offered in Cornwall for young, anxious, special needs, and autistic kids is news. But to understand further how Cornwall Sleep Dentistry for Kids can solve the problem of longer-than-usual pandemic-related wait times for similar services offered at CCHContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 1, 2021 – The Director of the Special Investigations Unit, Joseph Martino, has found no reasonable grounds to believe that a Cornwall Police Service officer committed a criminal offence in connection with a 23-year-old man seriously injured in the course of his arrest last July.On July 4, 2021, officersContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 1, 2021 – Scary days. Apparently the email from the school board, which had a link to a document on the EOHU website was DOWNLOADABLE. “Sent: Sun, 31 Oct 2021 at 17:01Subject: Communication Error – October 30, 2021 Dear Parents/Guardians, We are writing to provide you with information about a regrettableContinue Reading

OCTOBER 29, 2021 – For the protection of staff, physicians, and vulnerable patients, Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH) will require visitors and essential care partners to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 to enter the hospital starting November 1, 2021. This will not apply to patients. By implementing this direction,Continue Reading

OCTOBER 19, 2021 – We get emails. Lots . It’s saddening when yet another horrific Cornwall Ontario story continues the saga of Sexual Child predatory behavior. To whom it may concern,Morbern, a multi million dollar textile corporation, with offices and reach all over the world has attempted to cover upContinue Reading

OCTOBER 13, 2021 – Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH) will be temporarily closing operating rooms in order to prioritize urgent and high priority elective surgeries as the hospital deals with increasingly high patient volumes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The surgeries to be scheduled over the coming weeks will be reservedContinue Reading

TODAY I HAD MY EYES OPENED WIDE! What I witnessed during my 4+hour stay in the Cornwall Hospital Acute Care Emergency Department this afternoon, gave me a new respect for appreciation for hard working and dedicated medical staff. I was able to witness their frustration, yet dedication, treating critically illContinue Reading

September 23, 2021 – It’s common sense really. If you work with the public, especially vulnerable public, you need to be vaccinated against a virus that has killed millions during this world wide pandemic. Tragically in Ontario and other parts of Canada this isn’t to be. Corruption, especially political corruptionContinue Reading

September 18, 2021 – Many Canadians are recognizing the possible benefits of having a Universal Basic Income (UBI). A movement has started and 124 candidates in 108 ridings in this current election have taken the pledge to move this forward. #BasicIncomeNow It’s a simple pledge and very clear. If elected,Continue Reading

September 13, 2021 – We don’t live in the wacky US of A. Here in Canada we have socialized medicine. We also have a bunch of disgusting anti vax protesters who are gaining attention by protesting at hospitals. The very places many of them will need as they get sickContinue Reading

SEPTEMBER 12, 2021 – Another Cornwall Ontario school has announced a Covid outbreak. The city allowed an unmasked anti-vax rally in front of the hospital on September 4th which has led to community spread. Parents have also stated their concerns on social media about schools shared busing of their children.Continue Reading

SEPTEMBER 12, 2021 – It didn’t take long. St. Lawrence Secondary in Cornwall just announced a case of Covid from a student. It didn’t state whether the case came to the school or was transmitted in the school. LINK Several other schools have been suggested on social media to alsoContinue Reading

AUGUST 25, 2021 – It’s always bewildering to see how ignorant and petty some of the political classes can be. Or why those with the thinnest skin are attracted to politics? I mean, if you can’t take legitimate criticism or questions from the media perhaps politics isn’t for you? CFN,Continue Reading

AUGUST 15, 2021 – When I started CFN back in February of 2009 I never, ever, expected to see it evolve the way it did. I expected to build a small, local newspaper which focused on our community in a refreshing Gonzo way. I had been taught that journalism wasContinue Reading

AUGUST 4, 2021 – Was Frank on a beer run to Rivière-Beaudette? SD&G OPP have confirmed that the SQ reached out to them regarding Mr. Prevost who is facing charges of a sexual nature against minors. He was said to be charged with breach, and a court date scheduled forContinue Reading