What is Governance? CFN – Governance is the act of governing. It relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance. It consists of either a separate process or part of management or leadership processes. These processes and systems are typically administered by a government. . As theContinue Reading

To The Editor . The idiotic statement by some city councilors that e-bikes on the bike trails are not safe in my opinion is stupid and unfounded. Statements have been made by some people in the media, city councilors and also from the general public regarding these vehicles moving along the recreation path withContinue Reading

CFN – Further solidifying its commitment to helping people “age well,” Medical Arts Pharmacy today announced a donation of $60,000. (over five years) to the Maxville Manor Foundation.  But the pharmacy extended additional value by supporting the development and screening of  a short documentary entitled: Maxville Manor, A place toContinue Reading

CFN –  Personally I’ve always felt that working with people is always better than not.    Since entering the media biz three years ago I’ve discovered that many people feel otherwise, but I’m going to stick to my perception. I’ve watched community events where one media company asks for “exclusivity”Continue Reading