Cornwall ON –   Hundreds of  jobs have been created in SD&SG and Cornwall as a result of provincial infrastructure investments in local priorities like   –              $8,777,861 for local road and bridge improvements   –              $1,700,000 for the construction of a new emergency and medical services headquarters  in Cornwall.Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – Suite à la fermeture de CAF+, le 17 juin, le Centre culturel de Cornwall a acheté l’ancienne librairie CAF+. Par conséquent, les francophones de SDG pourront continuer à magasiner leurs livres en français au Centre culturel de Cornwall, et ce, à partir de septembre 2011.   SuiteContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –  Summertime is concert season and there’s no way I can cover as many as I’d like; especially when the promoters don’t send over media passes & Tix!  So if you see an amazing show or event and want to share with our viewers across Canada you canContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Après deux ans de travail, Sierra Planning and Management et la Commission de formation de l’Est ontarien ont dévoilé aux membres du Conseil municipal de Cornwall et au public le nouveau Plan culturel de Cornwall/SDG. Une cinquantaine d’artistes, de représentants d’organismes, et de citoyens de la régionContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –  We’re catching up on some Star Tek news here in Cornwall Ontario.    We received the following about the Fund Raisers for the local OSPCA that was attended by Former and current Star Tek employees. “A group of former StarTek employees recently held a get-together at the Knights ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –  You never know who’s hanging out in the City by the River.  Allan McGimpsey; lead singer and front man for Landmark when he’s not peddling bikes (pun alert!)   and local guitarist, musician, and web guru John Lister of Fingerman Studios got to jam with some guysContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –  Laurie McRae Bingley owns a local theatre company and she sent in this missive after raising $2,200 for the Canadian Red Cross Japan Relief with performances of her Murder Mystery – Murder at the 19th Hole! Hi Jamie, I’m the owner of this theatre company mentioned inContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – With the school year now drawn to a close, the City of Cornwall’s Summer Playground Program has returned to 17 neighbourhood parks across Cornwall. The Summer Playground Program is a free, accessible drop-in program open to children between the ages of 5 and 12. “Each day ourContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –   Arts and Culture are huge buzz words right now across Ontario; especially Eastern Ontario.  It’s not like they didn’t exist before; but communities are starting to truly realize that to retain your young people and attract others to an area a strong and vibrant Arts andContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Battista Library at CCVS in Cornwall Ontario was the spot for an unveiling and honoring of a very special person.    Grace  MacLeod Roberts; long time teacher at the school who passed away in 1982 was honoured with a Shadow Box prepared lovingly by teachers BettyContinue Reading

  Cornwall ON – The City’s Medical Recruitment Team has successfully secured a new physician for the community. “I am pleased to announce that Dr. Olugbenga Dehinbo will be setting up his practice in Cornwall,” said Mayor Bob Kilger. “Dr. Dehinbo was secured thanks to the efforts of our MedicalContinue Reading

Rallying Police, Fire, Paramedics for Sirens Sirens for Life has emergency workers go arm-to-arm in blood donor challenge Cornwall ON –A bloody battle with a life-saving goal – police, fire and paramedic services are rallying behind this year’s Sirens for Life. In partnership with Canadian Blood Services, the emergency services bloodContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Join River Institute scientists on Saturday, July 9 at the OPG Visitor Centre for a fascinating workshop all about insects! You will learn how to catch and release insects, and practice your skill using a net. River Institute educators will provide interesting information about insects and theirContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – You’ve been good to us this month our loyal 50,000+ viewers of The Cornwall Free News.  We reached a new milestone with our highest Canadian rating on We’re still number one with a Canadian rating of 2,313 most popular site for our country which is theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Pour une 3e année consécutive, les juges de Collectivités en fleurs reviennent en ville du 25 au 27 juillet. Ils viendront évaluer différents sites publics et jardins résidentiels afin de décerner une note pour cette édition provinciale. Sortez votre échardonnoir, votre truelle de jardin et votre sécateur!  Continue Reading