Toronto ON – documentary, CBC’s digital channel, and the Documentary Organization of Canada | l’Association des documentaristes du Canada (DOC) are pleased to announce the recipients for the first edition of their documentary apprenticeship program—Giving Voice: Filmmakers Working with Filmmakers. The program, funded by documentary, is the extension of DOC’s widely attendedContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Star Tek posted positive first quarter numbers based on “consolidation” of Canadian facilities and more transfer of jobs offshore according to media reports. LINK 1 The company reported ($0.17) earnings per share for the quarter, missing the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of ($0.15) by $0.02. During theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Ontario Conservative leader Tim Hudak visited Cornwall Ontario to meet with party faithful and executive members of the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce earlier this week. httpv:// Mr. Hudak was touring Ontario visiting Chambers of Commerce to consult with some of his ideas such as changing the ArbitrationContinue Reading

Long Sault ON – It’s that time of the year!   The 11th Annual South Stormont Chamber of Commerce Home and Trade Show starts Friday April 29th from 6-9 PM! More than 45 vendors from the region representing all sorts of activities and products are there to share what theyContinue Reading

Alexandria ON –La graphiste et photographe d’Alexandria, Anick Bauer, présentera sa première exposition solo « IL FAUT OSER! », à la galerie d’art du Centre culturel « Les trois p’tits points… », à Alexandria, du 2 mai au 30 juin. Mme Bauer exposera 12 photographies, principalement de voyage et deContinue Reading

Interesting is the terminology used by Harper over time. “Canadians want change not constitutional wrangling, said Harper.” were the words used when “New Confederation proposals” were issued by News Release on October 15, 1995. Also stated then was this: “In all cases, Reform’s New Confederation proposals simply require a federalContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Plan to visit the OPG St. Lawrence Power Development Visitor Centre on Saturday, May 7 for a family-oriented workshop about spring wildflowers.  Before the leaves come out on the trees, many beautiful flowers like violets and trilliums will take advantage of the spring sunshine.  Elizabeth Boileau, fromContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – L’équipe de l’émission RelieF, à TFO, est venue tourner un reportage sur l’organisme L’Amalgame, le 13 avril dernier, au Centre Charles-Émile Claude. RelieF est un magazine d’affaires publiques qui présente le quotidien des francophones de l’Ontario. Suite à leur bref passage à l’émission RelieF sur la route, diffusée àContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – CIBC Wood Gundy and the CIBC Children’s Foundation donated $500 to the St. Lawrence River Institute in support of the Eastern Ontario Children’s Water Festival. . Pictured from left, Dean Usher, Branch Manager, CIBC Wood Gundy, Pam Maloney, St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, Tim Bertrand,Continue Reading

Les sénateurs gagnent 132 300 dollars par année comme salaire de base et ils sont là jusqu’à l’âge de 75 ans. Il n’y a pas de doute que la majorité des Canadiens aimerait voir l’abolition du Sénat. Mais les vieux partis politiques le soutiennent par intérêt. Çacoûte plus de 90 millions parContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Afin de célébrer le Jour de la Terre, les élèves de l’école élémentaire catholique Marie-Tanguay, à Cornwall, ont nettoyé leur cour d’école sur l’heure du dîner, le 20 avril.   Pour la première fois, la Ville de Cornwall a collaboré avec l’école afin de fournir des sacsContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – 80 étudiants et professeurs de l’école secondaire publique L’Héritage, à Cornwall, ont pédalé pour une bonne cause le 11 avril dernier. En effet, ils ont amassé 2 147$ en pédalant sur des vélos stationnaires lors de la 4e édition de l’Inside Ride.   La course consistait à pédalerContinue Reading

It has been officially 6 Months since my letter to the editor on October 20th, 2011.  The Communities in Boom Report placed Cornwall 100th out of 100 communities; stating that our city was difficult to start-up and maintain a business! . Many local officials and community figures were outraged andContinue Reading

In the federal all-candidates debate in the Cornwall Civic Complex, SDSG MP Guy Lauzon is reported to have dismissed Parliament’s contempt ruling against the Conservatives as simply the opposition parties ganging up, and therefore meaningless.   Clearly, Mr. Lauzon has learned nothing about parliamentary democracy and has no time for it.  Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – Le gymnase de l’école secondaire catholique La Citadelle a changé de décor les 15 et 16 avril dernier pour une occasion unique et spéciale. En effet, le spectacle multidisciplinaire Citashow XX : nous la voulons, nous l’aurons y était présenté lors de ces deux soirées. Afin de fêter leContinue Reading