Cornwall ON – At least one Federal leader is visiting Cornwall Ontario during the election campaign.   Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada will have a whistle stop visit at approximately 10:45 AM Friday April 8th. Ms May is enroute to Montreal for a major rally forContinue Reading

It’s said we have the governments we deserve.  Do we deserve our current government in Ottawa?  Should we re-elect it on May 2nd?   Here’s a checklist of its record on key issues:   Managing the economy:  $56 billion deficit, largest in Canadian history Spending:  $30 billion planned for stealthContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Les juges du concours Collectivités en fleurs auront un nouvel endroit à visiter cette année – le jardin de Bob et Carol Brown, sur la rue Dundas. Les Brown ont remporté le concours Collectivités en fleurs qui a duré 2 mois l’été dernier. Le grand prix était une sommeContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – C’était la Journée des cheveux fous à l’école élémentaire catholique Ste-Thérèse, le 1er avril. . Les élèves se sont coiffés de façon bizarre afin d’amasser des fonds pour le Centre hospitalier pour enfants de l’est de l’Ontario (CHEO). Or, ils ont réussi à amasser 230$! Munis deContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The definition of culture is highly misunderstood and misused.  Many people confuse “culture” with “multiculturalism”, a term which means the appreciation, acceptance or promotion of multiple cultures, applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place. Canada is the most multi-cultural country in the world, and theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The City of Cornwall provides residents with a special collection of leaf and yard waste two times a year, in the Spring and in the Fall. This Spring, the collection will take place over a four week period: April 11th to May 6th, 2011 The purpose ofContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – If it’s Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM EST it’s time for The Political Round Table with your host Jamie Gilcig and pundits Joe Gunn & Denis Sabourin. Catch up on what’s hot and right now what’s hot in Canada is our Federal Election! You never know who’llContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Canada Free News would like to welcome Mr. David Grégoire.   Mr. Grégoire will be our French Language contributor and you’ll see him cover a wide range of subjects en Français. David Grégoire is a freelance writer. He began his career in 2008 on the community radioContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The annual Child Haven International fundraising dinner and silent auction took place on Friday, April 1st in the Simon Fraser Ballroom at the Ramada Inn. Child Haven founders Fred and Bonnie Cappuccino were present at the event, which attracted over 140 people and included a sumptuous Indian vegetarianContinue Reading

Niagara Falls ON – Election 2011 Situation Report, Canadian Veterans Advocacy, My apologies for the absence of updates, I have been exceedingly busy and between travel and the consequential chronic/acute medical issues, it has been difficult to devote the time required under these extraordinary times. I have been seeking consultationsContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Do you think one person can change things?  Great things can be accomplished by one person  with the will, dedication and passion to move forward with a goal in mind.  Certainly accomplishing an intended goal often requires corralling resources and people on side; however history proves overContinue Reading