Cornwall ON – La 3e édition de la Cabane à sucre fut un succès mitigé. En effet, les célébrations de la culture francophone, et de cette tradition québécoise, ont attiré plus de 800 personnes, comparativement à des milliers en 2009. La Cabane à sucre s’est déroulée les 15 et 16Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – SD&SG Liberal Candidate has a lot to smile about today!   Her campaign is entering a new gear as she revs up for the last two weeks of the campaign. Today she had a visitor come to assist her in her campaigning; former Premier of Ontario andContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Legal tobacco vendors recently received a letter from Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health, at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU)  warning us of  “third party companies that have started up in the area and are offering training to tobacco vendors on the Smoke Free Ontario Act.”Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – La Caisse populaire de Cornwall a remis 2 000$ en bourses d’études à des jeunes de Cornwall. Les noms des gagnants ont été dévoilés lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle de la Caisse à l’hôtel Best Western de Cornwall, le 13 avril dernier. Voici les gagnants : Maxime Lacroix 1 000$Continue Reading

ROGER SAUVÉ – We hear a lot about how the job picture and the economy has improved at the national level and that is indeed the reality. While this may be so, recent Statistics Canada reports reveal there are many significant variations around this trend.   Let’s look at theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Bob Rae is coming to Cornwall Ontario to help local Liberal Candidate Bernadette Clement stump for votes. He will be at her campaign office at Montreal Road for a meet and greet with the party loyal and public at noon. Pictured left with Ms Clement is Mr.Continue Reading

Alexandria ON – Le Centre culturel « Les trois p’tits points… » présentait le spectacle Les Fridolinades à l’école secondaire catholique Le Relais, à Alexandria, le 14 avril dernier. Les Fridolinades, du Théâtre la Catapulte et du Théâtre français de Toronto, est un spectacle actuel composé de cinq sketchs, de quatre monologues et deContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Easter is a great time to take the family out for dinner and what better place in Cornwall Ontario than Moustache Joe’s? Cornwall’s finest Italian eatery will be open on Good Friday and Easter Sunday with their special menu of home cooked favorites including their Friday andContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The wheels of government work slowly sometimes and faster others.    This week CAF, a service and training provider in Cornwall Ontario lost its provincial funding to the tune of over $1 Million dollars. We started to cover CAF after they started a social enterprise called CAFContinue Reading

Akwesasne Mohawk Territory – I caught up with Grand Chief Mike Mitchell of Akwesasne Friday.    As usual he was a moving target and on the run. The Ronathahon:ni Cultural Centre better known as The Native North American Traveling College where a grant from Ontario was presented by MPP Jim Brownell.  Continue Reading

Dear Editor, Is trashing democracy ok? Mr. Harper has abused every watchdog, every potential oversight, every attempt (from others) at making government transparent. He has refused to report to parliament and grossly misstates activities and budgets when he does. . He has prorogued parliament to avoid accountability. Those are facts.Continue Reading

Akwesasne Mohawk Territory – The province is helping the Onake Corporation (Native North American Travelling College) to engage Ontarians in the Mohawk culture through the combined use of technology and face-toface interactions.   This will be achieved through the production of a series of short video vignettes, which will be made availableContinue Reading

Alexandria ON – C’est un grand départ pour la troupe du Café chantant de l’école secondaire catholique Le Relais, à Alexandria! D’abord, ils ont présenté leur nouveau spectacle Alex, au pays des merveilles auprès de son public de l’école avec trois représentations, soit les 3, 5 et 6 avril dernier. Le lundi 18 avril, laContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – La Caisse populaire de Cornwall versera à ses membres 350 000$ en ristournes pour l’exercice financier 2010. C’est ce qui a été annoncé lors de leur AGA à l’hôtel Best Western de Cornwall, le 13 avril dernier. « Nous sommes fiers de ristourner aux membres. Nous avons eu uneContinue Reading

Alexandria ON – On April 14, 2011, six (6) members from the SD&G OPP Detachment entered a team in a fundraising event at the Glengarry District High School (GDHS) in Alexandria. The event, organized by school teacher Rebecca MacKay, is entitled “Inside Ride” and consists of team members each ridingContinue Reading