PRIDE/FIERTÉ CORNWALL’S SCHEDULE OF FUNDRAISING PARTIES FOR 2010 ANNOUNCED After much deliberation and hard work, the executive committee of Pride/Fierté Cornwall is pleased to announce their schedule of fundriasing parties for the coming year which will help fund the staging of Pride Weekend 2010, the annual festival of LGBT diversityContinue Reading

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Christmas is almost here.    If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping yet what better place in Cornwall to shop than at The Cornwall Square? Gift Cards….always the perfect gift! Let that special someone choose from the finest selection of fashions, home decor, electronics, services &Continue Reading

Gotta love the net for finding news and bits. Keith “Ciaran” Duffy returns to Coronation street to heat up the screen with Kym Marsh (Michelle Connor) Check out the photo gallery as Simon Gregson (Steve McDonald celebrates his 20th year on the show. “This week it’s exactly 20 years sinceContinue Reading

The Cornwall Free News is proud to welcome our newest sponsor; Cornwall Square. Located in the heart of downtown Cornwall, next to beautiful Lamoureux Park and Cornwall’s scenic waterfront, Cornwall Square is indeed Cornwall’s premier shopping complex. Built in 1979, Cornwall Square will soon celebrate its 30th Anniversary. It isContinue Reading

httpv:// What can you say about Alex Ovechkin that hasn’t been said before?  He plays with utter abandon and love for the game and winning hockey.   He will not have the longest career in the NHL, but it will be one of the most exciting.   The man playsContinue Reading