This just in from Paul Aubin: Hi everyone. Pride/Fierté Cornwall’s 2009 Spring Fling is set for Friday, May 29th at 9:00 pm. Yes, you read that right – it’s on a Friday night, not a Saturday. Another change is that we’ve lowered the admission price to a recession busting $5.00.Continue Reading

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT The most recent meeting of Pride/Fierté Cornwall’s executive committee was held on April 2nd where, after much honest discussion, it was decided not to stage a Pride festival in 2009. The current economic climate played an obvious role in our decision. More importantly, though, Pride 2008 saw aContinue Reading

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! LINK TO WIKIPEDIA Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated worldwide by the those of Irish descent and increasingly by non-Irish people (usually in New Zealand and North America). Celebrations are generally themed around all things Irish and, by association, the colour green. Both Christians and non-ChristiansContinue Reading