SIU Concludes Injury Investigation in Cornwall Case Number: 13-OCI-124 Mississauga (1 August, 2013) — The Director of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), Ian Scott, has concluded that there are no reasonable grounds to charge a Cornwall Community Police Service officer with any criminal offence in relation to the injuries sustained byContinue Reading

Victim’s name: Joseluis RESENDIZ Date of Birth: 2004-01-08    (9 years of age) Physical Description:  Height- 4’6″ Weight- 65 lbs Hair color- Dark Eye color- N/A Clothing: Blue soccer T-Shirt (Messi-Barcelona), Blue Plaid Shorts, Blue Adidas running shoes.   Believed to be in the company of: Tivisay ROJAS-CANTANO Date of Birth:Continue Reading

CFN –  Contrary to glowing spouts of steam from Economic De-Veloper Mark Boileau and his pet monkey adjutant Bob Peters construction dollars nose dived in Cornwall Ontario for the first half of 2013 compared to 2012. The City issued a glowing press release, but it apparently was more spin thatContinue Reading

York Regional Police Officer Charged Case Number: 13-OCI-103 Mississauga (31 July, 2013) — The Director of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), Ian Scott, has reasonable grounds to believe that a York Regional Police (YRP) officer committed a criminal offence in relation to the assault of 63-year-old Zdenek Horsak in April ofContinue Reading

CFN – Locals are reporting over 30 police invading and closing off traffic in the Morwood and Chesterville area. Reports are coming in that this may be related to the Melissa Richmond Homicide. OPP spokesperson Kristine Rae refused to state what type of event this is; either vehicle or criminal.Continue Reading

BREACHES                   Cornwall, ON – A 20-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on the 26th of July, 2013. The man was bound by a Recognizance with conditions to abide by a curfew of 10pm-07am. It is alleged that on the 25th of July, 2013 he breached his release conditions and police were contacted. AnContinue Reading

SIU Investigates Shooting in Toronto Case Number: 13-TFD-181 Appeals Form Witness Form Mississauga (27 July, 2013) — Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is probing the circumstances surrounding a police involved shooting on Dundas St. W. west of Bathurst St. in Toronto at approximately 12:10 a.m. this morning. Preliminary information indicatesContinue Reading

CFN – I thought I’d ask our viewers what they think of this very sad and pathetic situation.  Imagine someone from the Cornwall Area Chamber of Commerce running around to our advertisers and not only sharing his negative opinion of CFN, but threatening them that if they didn’t stop advertisingContinue Reading