APRIL 20, 2020 – It’s boggling that an entity that is supposed to serve public health is boycotting this newspaper and refusing to release info that supposedly is meant to save and protect lives. That’s exactly what Dr. Paul Roumeliotis is doing. While many can understand that people don’t likeContinue Reading

After numerous and historical issues with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit while serving as Public Health Officer, we the undersigned as that during this COVID 19 Pandemic the Province of Ontario takes immediate action after the incident involving the Food Basics store on Brookdale Avenue. The public’s safety has toContinue Reading

APRIL 19, 2020 – Social media is a blaze locally as a local Food Basics worker tested positive for COVID 19. The EOHU refuses to answer any questions from this newspaper or issue us their press releases directly so we apologize as we can only get their version from theirContinue Reading

APRIL 16, 2020 – As our economy teeters we’re learning more about this historic Pandemic. 2 meters apart? 4? We know that Dr. Theresa Tam and government officials have failed. Even though Dr. Tam led a pandemic guideline in 2006 she certainly hasn’t heeded her own advice. Thousands of CanadiansContinue Reading

APRIL 15, 2020 – For Marie Beaupre it was an embarrassing moment as she drove up to the drive thru window at a local McDonalds. All she wanted was that secret sauce and delight that is a McDonald’s Big Mac. Being on a limited income this was a treat forContinue Reading