JULY 29, 2021 – The Green Party still doesn’t get it. You can’t be successful and win elections or even get MPs elected when you are continually and publicly stabbing your leader in the back. Sorry folks, but that is a recipe for disaster, especially when an election is weeksContinue Reading

Every summer, the Dumont family looks forward to the weekend of their regional convention. “This is the highlight of the year for us! We buy a new dress, we meet our friends, some of whom we haven’t seen for a whole year, and we love eating outside in parks inContinue Reading

July 13, 2021 – When you run your business like crap and there’s a nearby option it should be no surprise when people flock to it. Several developers, small and large, spoke with CFN. They shared horror stories and some laughed at the thought of doing business in Cornwall. HighContinue Reading

JULY 13, 2021 – It’s been sad. You see a big time name that’s supposed to represent a very important part of maintaining a Democracy and then you end up seeing a group of lawyers essentially, who paid cash to put surveillance on the Chief Justice of Manitoba over CovidContinue Reading

JULY 12, 2021 – Ontario does not have a good record during Covid. The Ford government put in place orders riddled with loopholes that police essentially in many places like Cornwall refused to enforce. This journalist reported several cases to the CPS who refused to take any actions; referring meContinue Reading

JUNE 28, 2021 – You just can’t fix Cornwall stupid. It’s truly societal. On the one hand you have one of the most corrupt and incompetent Politicians and Lawyers in Canadian history being made a Senator. (Could you imagine if someone was given a plum gig because they were aContinue Reading

JUNE 28, 2021 – Many years ago the Paragon Motel on Second Street West was a favourite place to swim in their great pool. They also held parties and other gatherings. Recently, a friend, Jack, sent me this article which he found on one of the Cornwall Historic sites. ItContinue Reading

JUNE 25, 2021 – Stories like this are hard to write. Generally we only publish based on hard facts, but in the case multiple sources stated that CPS future Police Chief allegedly was caught driving a non CPS vehicle on Highway 138 at over 150KM which is nearly double theContinue Reading