This is such an interesting case philosophically speaking.    People are sentenced to less time for murder than for stealing money.    Was it the crime or who the victims were and the publicity of this case that drew such a penalty? L I N K “He stole from theContinue Reading

Here are your Quick Hits for Monday.   Just click the link to go to the web page and read the full stories. Michael Jackson quoted “I’m better off dead” MJ Autopsy Leak Russia Closing ALL Casinos Celebrities Hurt by Recession IMPERIAL TOBACCO complains about Illegal Smokes Cornwall Brothers Extradited toContinue Reading

It’s been confirmed that Restaurant Chez Nous has closed its doors for good and filed for Bankruptcy. Owner’s Paul McAllister and Ryan Julien could not be reached for comment, but the kitchen equipment was moved out of the building this week and notices of bankruptcy were released. I think thatContinue Reading

Here are your Quick Hits for Monday June 22, 2009 City Employees Must Wear Undies in Florida Chubby Folk Live Longer than Skinny Minnies Dogs Trained to Sniff Diabetes Blood Sugar Levels LCBO TO GO ON STRIKE WEDNESDAY NIGHT “If the LCBO and its workers cannot reach an agreement byContinue Reading

I attended the DRV2WRK meeting last night at the Navy Club. (  The room was filled to capacity. There was music; food; politicians; concerned citizens; and a few media types. Cornwall has long suffered labor issues that are now coming home stronger in other areas of Ontario.   Cornwall isContinue Reading