Re: Federal parties start to play their economic cards, Jason Fekete, May 5, 2015 The conventional wisdom is that whichever party forms government will not have much financial breathing room, especially with the collapse of world oil prices. In fact, while there are ideological and eventual real resource restraints,Continue Reading

  Yes, the High Court of the Land has spoken, and many gladly obey. Another nail in the coffin of religious freedom and expression! I am not surprised at the High Court’s decision here, seeing its track record on past ungodly actions: abortion, same sex marriage, physician-assisted suicide, and manyContinue Reading

Volunteers are leading social change and impacting communities around the world. Every year during National Volunteer Week, we have the opportunity to celebrate their efforts and contributions. This year, during National Volunteer Week, taking place between April 12-18, let’s shine the light on the hard work and dedication of allContinue Reading

Dear Editor,   I am a concerned Canadian citizen and believe it is my civic duty to protect the rights of children in our country and our community from segregation. The act of separating English and French children on different buses is promoting segregation and division across both linguistic groups. .  Tensions are rising inContinue Reading

Dear Editor, It was suggested at the Budget Committee session that TAG was not a stable organization or that there were questions about its future?. TAG Cornwall has been around over thirty years, over twenty in the same location. While it has endured criticism, as all organizations have at oneContinue Reading

The Emperor Has No Clothes   In reviewing the papers, hearing the gossip and assessing on my own thoughts it has become painfully obvious that a city, our city, has become part and parcel to an entrapment within the elements of our budgeting processes and that intimidation’s, blackballing’s, entitlements haveContinue Reading

Dear Editor, This letter is in response to law proposals regarding the safety of Canada and its surveillance. What’s wrong with our current use of Part 2, section 46 of the Canadian Criminal Code?: Offences against public order. Offences against the Queen’s Authority or Person “…conducting acts preparatory for war, assists anContinue Reading

Hugo Rodrigues Editor of the Standard Freeholder Yes Mr.Rodrigues, “Vive la Francophone” in Cornwall and area, but as well to all of those many other cultures. Sir let me tell you the distaste I received upon this reading this article and many others feel the same way as I. Firstly, I can appreciateContinue Reading

The new year brings high expectations and great challenges for the new council.  Dealing with the budget is going to be our biggest challenge The main thrust of the election CAG pledge that was signed by 22 candidates, focused on the fact that taxes are 1/3 less in the counties.Continue Reading

At a recent presentation of Cornwall mayoral candidates, one candidate (O’Shaughnessy) advised the audience that administration had not followed council’s directives. The incumbent mayor replied that administration people were of high character . . .  and he said that at a time when the public is reading news media reportsContinue Reading

Hope doesn’t always spring eternal. This was especially true (for me) in late summer, after the 100th anniversary of WW1 slipped back into the past, and August was on the wane. By that time, it was fully two months after the defacement of the poppy (by a gang that grewContinue Reading