Looking for an Eco-friendly Multi-tasking solution this New Year? I was visiting a friend recently and as my reputation as an ecologically minded person precedes me she asked what cleaning products I used in my home? Well that question prompted me to look into more environmentally friendly solutions to replaceContinue Reading

Editor, Although not surprised, I am shocked and dismayed as once again Prime Minister Harper prorogues parliament, not for the good of the country but to avoid difficult issues that may further erode confidence in this government! This is one more step in this government’s inexorable drift toward unchallenged power: ducking difficult questions aroundContinue Reading

December 30, 2009 Dear Editor: I disagree with the recent  suggestion by Mayor Bob Kilger that the City of Cornwall should provide stipends to council members who sit on the boards and committees of various community organizations. This is simply a pay increase through the back door for council members inContinue Reading

Paranoia, here are some of the definitions from Dictionary.com “A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.” “Extreme, irrational distrust of others.” Now I’m not saying that there are no grounds of residents of Akwesasne, but there areContinue Reading