Is a natural product always earth friendly? Some months ago we switched to recycled newspaper pellets, ‘Yesterday’s News’ for our furry felines as we came to realize that a simple natural clay substance wasn’t necessary the best choice for our home environment or for our earth. According to Wikipedia aboutContinue Reading

ROGER SAUVÉ – The People of Cornwall and SD&G – A 10 week feature for the Cornwall Free News – Week 10 – The Education Miracle The levels of education in SD&G have changed dramatically over the last generation. The availability and the need for higher education have been behind thisContinue Reading

So I’m listening to little Jayhaed Saade’s online radio station.  He’s busy dropping f-bombs over tracks while soliciting money.  It’s hypnotizing.   It shows what happens when parenting goes awry.     It also gives a reason why some minors should be tried as adults in court. It looks likeContinue Reading

Canadians have spoken. Most of them are not happy with the Conservative decision to close down Parliament. I agree with them. But Canadians are also tired of old-style party politics. I agree with that too. Younger Canadians are especially disappointed with this approach. There is so much that we needContinue Reading

Are you flushing precious resources down the drain? I had to examine this question after reading Mr. Komorowski’s article on the water meter question a while back. Mr. Komorowski suggested that local government consider a program to subsidize low flow toilets before looking at purchasing and installing water meters toContinue Reading

Mr Bentley, I just finished reading the press release from the Attorney Generals Office saying that victims of historical sexual abuse in Cornwall will be assessed for local support services while the government evaluates Commissioner Glaude’s recommendations, because the current funding was to help them get through the Inquiry. ThereContinue Reading

Dear Mr Lauzon, The backlash of scorn regarding the conservative governments decision to prorogue Parliament continues on strong. I would like to add my voice to that list, and put it on record with you and your colleagues: This is a complete affront to democracy and an insult to theContinue Reading

Attorney General Chris Bentley has said that the survivors of historical sexual abuse currently receiving funded counselling from the Inquiry would not be abandoned. However, he has decided to completely cut the funding, which was to continue for 90 days after Commissioner Normand Glaude issued his report, in order toContinue Reading

Dear Editor: Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s prorogation of Parliament for the second time in 12 months is another attack on Canadian democracy. There is no valid reason for Prime Minister Harper to suspend the work of Parliament until March 3. Prorogation kills all government legislation pending before Parliament and shutsContinue Reading

We’re both Waterfront cities.  We both have diverse multicultural communities with all the challenges and benefits that it brings. Budget shortfall issues plague both cities. Transportation is a big issue too. Expansion of the airport and the new low level bridge have the potential to turn Cornwall into a BOOMContinue Reading

ROGER SAUVÉ – The People of Cornwall and SD&G – A 10 week feature for the Cornwall Free News – Week 8 – HOME – The places where we live There are over 44,000 private dwellings in SD&G, providing a place to live to over 110,000 residents. On average, there areContinue Reading