ROGER SAUVÉ – The People of Cornwall and SD&G – A 10 week feature for the Cornwall Free News – Week 7 – How long has your family been in the area? The longer your family heritage in the region, the larger may be your Holiday dinners. Many of our families haveContinue Reading

The family involved in the Peter Ross Auction Service showed the true spirit of the Christmas season on Saturday December 12th. At lunch time during an auction at their establishment in Osnabruck Center, the auctioneer paused between items for sale and announced to all those in attendance that his familyContinue Reading

Boy did we have fun Sunday at Schnitzels.   Shooting any show can have its challenges and we had ours including our camerman coming down with H1N1 and needing a last minute replacement, but everyone came together and our Star Red Seal Chef Shawn Kretz created some amazing dishes. We’re busyContinue Reading

Politics sunk into an unprecedented abyss last week in this country when the Prime Minister of Canada approved advertising that accused the official opposition, the Liberal Party of Canada, of being  associated with anti-Semitism. The government flyers state: that the Liberals participated in a conference in Durban on racism inContinue Reading

Cornwall Council Ignores Green Option – Will Continue to Plunder Taxpayers Progress continues on Mayor Kaneb Drive, the new road between Second Street East and Marlowe. This week, the street lights were installed. Last month, I suggested in this column that the city install LED streetlights on this new road,Continue Reading