Cornwall Ontario – It has been published that the Cornwall Community Hospital is rationed 60 hours per day for doctors.  That includes emergency where tragically so many end up because they simply don’t have a GP.  Clinics are so brutal that the wait times are near what they would beContinue Reading

  Cornwall Ontario – If you wanted to see some gorgeous seniors, you should have been at the Royal Canadian Legion on the evening of June 16th. The occasion was the Annual Alumni Dinner of the Cornwall General Hospital School of Nursing. Celebrating 50 years was the Graduating Class ofContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – With the province rationing health care times a big question that’s starting to loom is whether this City is paying a price for electing Conservative Jim McDonell not once, but twice during this near 15 year run of Liberal governments in the province. Not only that, butContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario –  It’s been a whirlwind of a week here in Cornwall and CFN Central. As many viewers know all of my criminal charges have now been dropped. Chiefly the police charges that I’d made threatening phone calls and uttered threats against Mike Bedard, formerly of Roy’s & PlatinumContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – So whose made the most money in Cornwall on this year’s Sunshine list that was just released by the province of Ontario? The Sunshine list includes those on the public purse who earn more than $100,000 per year. Mostly health care officials, fire, police, and areas includingContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – As the debate about the bike paths on Second Street continue a City Councilor had an accident on the corner of Marlborough and Second Street West. Mark MacDonald missed council after the 4 PM incident where he stopped moving through the busy intersection when he heard approachingContinue Reading

CFN represents an interesting cross roads in journalism. Is news different than entertainment? Has the news become too corporate? Are media outlets too afraid to report news for fear of losing clients? Can you trust anything you read if jaundiced by that? Does the public care about important issues? HowContinue Reading