Cornwall Ontario – There are many definitions of Elder Abuse and Neglect. Although most are similar, the Yukon has one of the most comprehensive definition: the deliberate mistreatment of an adult that (a) causes the adult physical, mental or emotional harm, or (b) causes financial damage or loss to theContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  Running for office isn’t the only way to help a community.  For many it’s a vain ego thing.  I just turned down a new provincial party looking for a local candidate.   Looking around the table here in Council there really are only 1 or 2 that trulyContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – I sat through my second council meeting in nearly three years.  (More about that in another column) but one thing was still the same. Bernadette “Flipper” Clement still bloviated as though she was in full campaign mode.  Not sure what she’s campaigning for now, but it certainlyContinue Reading

Cornwall, Ontario – Denis Carr is the city’s longest running council member in the city of Cornwall. Carr has  been passionate about Cornwall, Ontario, and while he may in the upcoming years consider slowing down with his political career, he will always work to improve the city. He believes that thereContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –   City Councilor Mark A MacDonald who has come under fire for pointing out the obvious, that which has inflamed the fiscal burden on the city’s budget might be where Cornwall has to look to find solutions, has come out with an intriguing and positive proposal which he’sContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  It’s amazing how far some can get in the Cornwall area with just a PSW certificate.   Makes this writer think I should get one too. Cornwall City Councilor Maurice Dupelle has seen his take him to a top management position with near Sunshine List remuneration with CommunityContinue Reading

WORKPLACE RETALIATION HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF 1. If you have a professional organization which offers legal protection join now. Without RNAO I would have been financially destroyed very early in the process. 2. Check your facts from all sources i.e., review the files, speak with police, the Ministry review policiesContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  David Murphy has aspirations to run for Mayor of Cornwall in 2018.   In the meanwhile he voted to support the vanity project of his long time employer, Gerry Benson. The farcical waste of cash and Liberal slush funds going into the CIC are shameful pork of theContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – It’s been an exciting week so far! I finally returned to Cornwall after being away for over a year, just in time for an important city council meet.   Last night City council kicked off the meeting with a presentation on Waterfront Lands given by Rachel Perkins.Continue Reading

Editor’s Note:  CFN spoke with Ms Baxter today at Archie’s Golf where she expressed that she wished for us to publish this letter to City Hall in Cornwall which we have done and have not edited. Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 7:39 AM To:;;;;;;;;;; Cc:;;;;; Subject: Child Sexual Abuse and Jehovah’s WitnessesContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – CFN can confirm that CAG, the Community Action Group, supposedly dedicated to fighting rising taxes in Cornwall has dissolved. Group leader Gerry Benson spoke with CFN after appearing at council to beg for more cash for his vanity Liberal slush fund excuse to pump cash into theContinue Reading

“Choose Cornwall”. I did. In fact, both my wife and I did. We came here to attend St. Lawrence College, (SLC) not knowing much about the area.You can look at tourism sites, review sites and city websites but you never know what kind of culture a place has until you’veContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – The easiest way to explain what happens to WHISTLEBLOWERS is to use few examples from my case,  but this could have happened to anyone, your mother, father, daughter or son. There are multiple documents/books which give a template to shut down Whistleblowers. Step 1: Deny everything.   In myContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  An incensed Cornwall Ontario City Councilor, Mark A MacDonald, sent an angry email from his vacation in Barbados over a budget committee vote for a tax hike of nearly 5% for 2018 to council and the media this afternoon!   [bs-quote quote=”Hello everyone: With respect, if youContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – When I ran for Mayor of Cornwall in 2014 I was really clear about our number one issue, taxes. I had a clear plan that would cut taxes by 5%.   Now knowing the lay of the land; my false police charges, still not held accountable for byContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – The Benson Charity Golf Classic has folded.  Another cultural event dying in an area already nearly void of culture. Since 2002 it was a great tool to advance the Benson name, consolidate political power, and an excuse for some golfing buddies to have a great time andContinue Reading