Cornwall Ontario –   And it’s on!   Premier Doug Ford essentially told Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to jam his illegal immigration influx that is costing taxpayers millions of dollars per year and straining resources across the board in Ontario.   Trudeau visited the Premier in what appears to be the day afterContinue Reading

Incoming government will use every power available to challenge federal government’s authority to impose a carbon tax on Ontario families, individuals and small businesses TORONTO — Premier-designate Doug Ford today announced that his cabinet’s first act following the swearing-in of his government will be to cancel Ontario’s current cap-and-trade scheme, andContinue Reading

Ottawa Ontario – Keeping a government off-guard and on the defensive is one of the primary functions of an opposition party’s attack team. We usually see this take place in the daily Question Period. The questions that need to be asked can most often be boiled down to three simpleContinue Reading

Conrad Black: What happened to Patrick Brown was outrageous — but also an opportunity Justin Trudeau is a fair-minded person. He knows better than to greet the destruction of a prominent political career with joy (NAT POST) The sudden departure of Patrick Brown as leader of the Ontario Progressive ConservativesContinue Reading

Ottawa Ontario – There have been a lot of media reports on Prime Minister Trudeau’s strange meeting with the Boyle family. So far the story simply doesn’t add up. Prime Minister’s just don’t meet with anyone who requests a meeting and it doesn’t matter who that person is or theirContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – While Andrew Scheer, or Harper -2.0, is embracing MP Guy Lauzon’s announcement that he’ll be running for re-election in 2019 it’s clear that his party is dropping the ball locally. It would have been easy enough to allow the corrupt and scandalized Lauzon to ooze away intoContinue Reading

Dear Minister Joly: May I call you Melanie? You’ve blocked my access to your ministerial Twitter account, so please forgive the formality of an open letter. I sense that I’ve upset you, which concerns me deeply. Let’s leave aside, for a moment, the propriety of a public servant (that’s you)Continue Reading

Conrad Black: Quebec is now the beacon of astute economic policy in this country While Quebec becomes an economic leader, most of English Canada is waddling through the wet cement of applied social democratic truisms. Quebec is outpacing Canada economically, for the first time since the piping days of MauriceContinue Reading