CORNWALL ONTARIO – Canadians woke up in January and realized that they had to find a way to pay for all those Christmas presents bought on their credit cards. Others, especially seniors on fixed incomes, were struggling to figure out what items they would have to do without, because theContinue Reading

There has been lots of controversy and quite a few accusations thrown around about various individuals moving expenses. This is politics and mud throwing and making your opponent look bad is definitely the name of the game. Liberal rhetoric in the last campaign- “open and accountable”, a new way ofContinue Reading

Re:  Feds monitoring weak economy, could take action as early as fall: Morneau, The Canadian Press, September 26, 2016 Our Bank of Canada does not have vaults filled with electronic cash. As remarkable as it may seem, the Bank (owned 100% by the federal government) simply creates money wheneverContinue Reading

I remember reading some comments from Liberal Senator Keith Davies, otherwise known as the “Rain Maker” for his successful stewardship of several Liberal election campaigns. He stressed that in politics, perception was everything- something this latest generation of Liberals seems to have forgotten. Arrogance and entitlement have always been theContinue Reading

Don Briere owns Weeds Glass & Gifts, a chain of over 20 marijuana dispensaries located in many cities through out Canada. He once went to jail for operating over 30 grow-ops using 77 thousand high pressure bulbs. Currently he signs many cheques, employs over a hundred people, and requires receiptsContinue Reading

If you know someone in the Public Service or someone who has recently retired from the government- chances are you know someone who hasn’t been paid or who isn’t receiving the pay and benefits that they are supposed to be getting. We all have friends in that situation. Stop andContinue Reading

With it being Easter weekend, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter especially all of those hard-working MPs and ministers and of course the Prime Minister too. Then again “hard-working” might not be an accurate description of our elected representatives. We are two thirds of the way through thisContinue Reading

    Dear Editor,   For several years, “Keeshechewan” residents have been coming to the Cornwall and  “Ahkwesáhsne” communities to escape the springtime flood waters of the Albany River.   It’s a hardship for the families for sure, but our communities strive to make it work, and we’ve developed somethingContinue Reading