Dear Editors of all news papers please place this letter addressed to The Honorable Prime Minister,MP’s and MPP’s to alert your readership of the impending laws that Health Care Givers will be forced to participate in against their conscious, against their beliefs, against their Charter of Rights and Freedoms. WithContinue Reading

One of the strongest positions that assisted Justin Trudeau in his majority victory was the Liberal party’s position to legalize Marijuana. Trudeau failed to defend Marc Emery’s extradition to the US that was more about industrial competition and advantage more than any other factor.  Allowing a Canadian citizen to beContinue Reading

There is a reason why the Federal Government is trying to unload harbour lands across Canada.    Most are polluted or have historic environment issues that literally could cost billions of dollars to resolve. Cornwall’s harbour is so polluted that when a movement to create a beach occurred a fewContinue Reading

This week an uproar occurred when our newly minted rock star Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued a statement regarding the Holocaust. Ottawa, Ontario 27 January 2016 The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust:Continue Reading

Re:  The cash crunch of commitments: uncosted spending vows lurk for Liberals, Andy Blatchford, 01/17/2016 1 The Bank of Canada can never run out of Canadian dollars, nor can the federal government which owns it.  In keeping their promises, Liberals should not be deterred by deficits, because if necessary theseContinue Reading

The Conservatives begin 2016 in a very different place from where they have been for the last 10 years. Defeats are never fun, but they offer the Conservatives a chance to rejuvenate, rebuild and rededicate themselves to promoting Canadian Conservative values. Forget about American, Australian and British values, focus onContinue Reading

My opinion on the new Liberal Majority in Parliament is, admittedly, skewed. Nine years living under the Harper yolk, watching my wife suffer with seizures, watching my own health fade, and watching the number of marijuana-related arrests increase every year, has left me jaded and bitter. Watching our new PM supportContinue Reading

Walking through the aftermath and wreckage of the election that just ended CFN has been talking to a lot of voters across the riding asking why they voted for who they chose and why they rejected candidates? Not surprisingly Bernadette Clement was tarred and feathered for being a Francophone womanContinue Reading

Canadians have spoken, and loudly, condemning Stephen Harper and rebuking his policies to the point of giving Justin Trudeau and his Liberals a full majority. Thomas Mulcair and his NDP fared even worse than Harper sliding back to their traditional less than 50 seats. Locally Guy Lauzon handily beat CityContinue Reading

This has been the most disappointing of elections.   It’s like rows of Neanderthals grunting and throwing poo at each other here in SD&SG with no change expected. CFN was moving towards endorsing the NDP before the writ dropped which would be a first, but the local candidate, Patrick (Veggie)Continue Reading

So with one week to go where do we stand with one of Canada’s longest elections? Stephen Harper clearly will not enjoy another majority which has many Canadians rejoicing.    Scandal after scandal has plagued his government, but most simply have grown tired of the politics of fear mongering andContinue Reading

As we get closer to the 19th it seems the local Liberals are feeling the frustration from trailing so badly in the poll numbers.      Or simply they have an utter boob as a riding President and simply didn’t replace him as they never had much hope of actuallyContinue Reading