CFN – We apologize for being late in publishing this letter to the Editor. Dear Taxpayer Over the weekend Montreal area residents were upset and protested in the streets over a unilingual hockey coach, the media and fans have been at this constantly since mid December. We have Canada’s LanguageContinue Reading

CFN – This movie is dark, distasteful and great. I have not read the books, and as an opening I will also mention that this review shall hold barely a Synopsis. Instead of a detail overview of what happened in this movie I shall give a brief overview. Because IContinue Reading

CFN –  Irony can be a funny thing.    We received a release from the Community Action Group here in Cornwall which wants lower taxes. Of course everyone wants lower taxes, but this group of some of the areas most successful companies has made some strong points, and grown toContinue Reading

CFN– Like last century’s master of propaganda, Josef Goebbels, Sun Media columnist and “Ethical Oil” creator Ezra Levant is no idiot. Goebbels had a Doctorate degree in German literature – Levant graduated from the University of Alberta Law School. Both these gentlemen used the press effectively and to their advantageContinue Reading