Akwesasne – On September 16th, 2013, the Standard Freeholder ran an article that used derogatory language towards the Mohawks of Akwesasne.  The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) received numerous complaints from community members and a request for Council to respond.  In very clear terms, Council issued a Letter to theContinue Reading

Ontario’s power sector needs an overhaul to address a long list of inefficiencies, and rising consumer prices, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute. In “A New Blueprint for Ontario’s Electricity Market,” author A.J. Goulding presents a blueprint for an electricity market that would be responsive toContinue Reading

CFN – For Mark A MacDonald the the Concerned Citizens Coalition the Fat Lady hasn’t sang her last song yet when it comes to the Cornwall General Hospital site which the sale of sits under a cloud of mystery. The sold sign is not on the building.  It was onContinue Reading

BREACHES   Cornwall, ON- Christopher Dennison, 25 of Cornwall was arrested on the 16th of September, 2013 and charged with breaching his Probation order by having consumed alcohol and failing to keep the peace. The man was also breaching a Recognizance for having consumed alcohol. It is alleged that on theContinue Reading

CFN –   Singers have their one special hit; authors their books, but legendary Canadian political cartoonist Terry Mosher, better known as Aislin, has hit a new high note in his long and historic career with his new cartoon depicting the Quebec Premier spoofing the Miley Cyrus song Wrecking Ball!Continue Reading

On Friday, Sept. 13th, 2013, at approximately 8:15 pm, the Stormont,Dundas and Glengarry (SD&G) OPP Commercial Vehicle Inspection (CVI) Unit had occasion to stop a tractor trailer for inspection.  Further investigation by the OPP CVI members led to a massive seizure of unprocessed leaf tobacco. Members of the Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF)Continue Reading

CFN – I was bewildered when I got a missive from Terry Muir last winter or so.   After all I’d had to issue suit against Ribfest for reneging on our promotional contract. CFN had been first media sponsor in for the travelling pigfest, a professional show that you reallyContinue Reading

CFN – The 2013-2014 season for the St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage started with something a little bit different, Poetry. The widely acclaimed spoken word performer, Shane Koyczan, was the headliner for this first session with the choir Tone Cluster opening the show for him.   Tone Cluster was billed asContinue Reading

CFN – Quebec’s new Charter of Shame has been condemned loudly outside of the province.  It’s also be loudly rejected within by the opposition parties, by labour, by Mayoralty candidates in Montreal, Quebec’s largest union federation, the mayors of the 15 other municipalities on the island of Montreal, a prominent BlocContinue Reading

CFN – Randy Hillier’s fall as PC Labour Critic this week has highlighted the problem with Partisan politics.   As some viewers of CFN may be aware I myself have elected to become Hyper Non Partisan.   No more party allegiances or memberships. In my political life I have beenContinue Reading

CFN- Submitted Release On Wednesday, September 25th at 7 pm the River Institute kicks off its Science & Nature Series for 2013-14 with “The Science & Nature of Water” led by River Institute scientist Dr. Andy Bramburger. He has travelled the world researching fresh water and will share his insightsContinue Reading