CORNWALL Ontario – In what has been a not so magical mystery tour the City of Cornwall has relented and agreed to allow the Vincent family ice rink to at least finish off the season, even though part of the ice surface is on City property (as is the family’sContinue Reading

Local Kennel Owner Charged with Child Pornography and Sexual Offences 14-36310 A 78-year-old Kingston male has been charged with various child pornography and sexual offences in relation to a female teenage victim. Over an extended period of time in 2014 David H. SLY is accused of taking sexually explicit photographsContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – Brian Vincent is feeling discouraged.  The family was happy when a new group came together to help rebuild their family rink. A meeting was requested by the group for Thursday morning with Bill De Wit, the city manager who attended the initial break down of the boardsContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – While City Hall may not have supported the ice rink on Monaco Crescent in Cornwall, the people of the community and frankly, all across Canada clearly do. So much so that a group has been formed to rebuild the Vincent’s rink.  Members will be meeting Thursday atContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – This week saw the passing of two political family members in Cornwall Ontario.   Former Mayor Bob Kilger saw the passing of his mother, Laurette Kilger on December 31st.    Mrs. Kilger (87) had been at Glen Stor Dun Lodge.   Mayor Kilger was a frequent visitorContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – Rookie City Councilor (and Liberal nomination hopeful Justin Towndale has spoken out regarding the Monaco rink status. He sent CFN the following communication. He is only the second councilor to publicly speak out regarding the rink that the city sent trucks and police to yesterday.   PleaseContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – Ugly politics have led to a city directed truck starting to tear down the Vincent family ice rink in Cornwall Ontario.  Manager Bill De Witt who was present said it was on direct orders of Mayor Leslie O’Shaughnessy and CAO Norm Levac. Laura Vincent was teaching atContinue Reading

CFN represents an interesting cross roads in journalism. Is news different than entertainment? Has the news become too corporate? Are media outlets too afraid to report news for fear of losing clients? Can you trust anything you read if jaundiced by that? Does the public care about important issues? HowContinue Reading

CORNWALL Ontario – Freezing rain led to trees falling on wires and a power outage in Cornwall early this morning. Power was off for as long as one hour as some residents took to social media asking if this was another Ice Storm. The weather is playing havoc as rainContinue Reading